Depends how you use it. It's not for hypermiling, but it won't cause issues if used with common sense. On flat or gently undulating roads where pulse & glide is not an option, the cruise control will do no worse than you. Regarding intimidation from other vehicles, I've always had the same attitude, long before I owned the Prius. Below the speed limit I have some responsibility not to be an undue nuisance. This doesn't mean I'll accelerate as fast as they want, but I won't sit below the limit and I won't pulse and glide. At the speed limit, I have the complete right to sit and cruise at that speed. On a multi-lane road, as long as I'm going faster than the slow lane, I don't care either. Otherwise I'll be in the slow lane. If a following vehicle can't handle that and tries to annoy me, I'll annoy them right back until they go away. They don't own the road and have zero right to be upset that I won't speed. Suck it up until you find a place to pass me. If you don't behave like a douche in that time, I'll do my best to help you go.
Yep. Some people have poor driving habits for FE. In some cases, if the user doesn't self-report, it's impossible to put your finger on them until you observe it firsthand.
At least the C has the ECO Score screen... it does give the driver a clue that they're doing it wrong.
My tires came under-inflated from the dealer! They were all around 26/27psi! Anyway, I had a great MPG day. Longer trips when you mind the ECO Score screen really do give you the chance to get monster MPGs. I got 63mpg on the trip to my dad's house, and 55mpg on the way back home!!! From one new Prius driver to another: That ECO Score screen is a great way to show you the best ways to accelerate (slower, and very smooth), cruise (as evenly as possible), and stop (again, slow and smooth). Don't go from the gas to the brake .. let your car coast if you have the room and it is safe to do so. Watch for red lights and stop signs, cars that might pull out in front of you, and watch your speed. I am now a totally different driver than I was one week ago. I usually went 5-10 over, accelerated very quickly, and was the kind of person that would pass me now in my c. It's much more relaxing, to not be in a hurry, not zooming around worried about how FAST I can go. Now I have a soothing ride, and every trip I take is a game to see how high I can get my MPGs!! Good luck and safe travels!
I use cruise control to help prevent getting speeding tickets! Most people don't understand that making subtle changes to their driving style without compromising speed or traffic flow WILL yield EPA mpg results. People complain about the cost of gas but will drive as if it was free. It doesn't matter if you're driving a hybrid or not. Inefficient drivers can at a mimimum get 10%-20% better mpg's by making driving their primary task and staying alert while driving. Talking/texting on the phone, reading, jamming away to music, or just staring blankly ahead/barely concious of the surround environment, while behind the wheel is NOT the primary task at hand. Driving is not an opportunity to do "other stuff".
Yeah I think that is me now that I have the C. I have become a boring driver. I have tried the coasting procedures when possible and probably watch my dashboard features more than the road. Jk. Still though my problem is overall Mpgs. If I drove under 50 mph all the time then I would definitely get over 50 Mpgs. Unfortunately I drive 600 miles a week and most of he time I'm over 50 mph. I just don't get good overall numbers. For the record to answer some of these other replies, I refuse to drive under speed limit. On another note my car is in the shop for some rattling noise coming from under my car. Although I love this car my experience has been disappointing.
You can still drive 65 MPH and achieve 50+ MPG. Once you're at 65 MPH it takes little gas to maintain your speed unless you are going uphill or have a strong head wind.
Prius is more a City car than a Highway car. It gets 46 MPG Highway. See article. First Look: Toyota’s 53 mpg City Prius c Hatchback – The Diesel Driver - The Joy of Diesel Driving
If most of your driving is highway speeds, than the 3rd gen Prius is a better fit than the Prius C for mileage. The C is less aerodynamic and the smaller engine has to work harder at higher speeds. But the 3rd gen costs more, so there are tradeoffs. If I were buying with limited funds but still wanted a hybrid, I would opt for 2010 or 2011 3rd gen over a new C.
Unless there is something wrong with your c, OP, the MPGs you get are solely due to all the possibilities mentioned in this thread and the others exactly like it for which you can search. YMMV, as they say. I confess to not having read this entire thread as it mirrors others, but one thing that is rarely mentioned regarding the drivers behind you is what is referred to as 'reverse passing'. This only works when there are multiple lanes and light to moderate traffic. When the car directly behind you is approaching at greater speed than your own, and traffic permits, YOU sugnal and change lanes permitting the faster vehicle to pass you without that oh so burdonsome inconvenience of the lane change. It is a great game and relieves tensions all around. When I am interested in posting an above normal MPG tank, this is a great tool in my arsenal. Try it, you might like it. If not, at least you know how YOU can be in control and not allow someone else to dictate the terms. I can post great numbers when I want and other drivers hardly notice me most of the time.
When I bought mine I was getting 48+ avg. Tire pressure around 40 psi. This went down to 44-45 and stayed there. I goggled local gas stations looking for non ethanol fuel, thinking maybe it was the Costco crap I was running. Sure enough my fuel economy went up to 48mpg. Part of it is the winter additives they add to gas lowers milage. The rest, don't know what Costco's doing to their fuel but I'm sticking to non ethanol from now on. Also try changing your mpg sampling rate in Settings for a more immediate picture of fuel consumption. I've also stopped using the electric heater till engine is warmed up and ore pule/glide style driving. All help. I never take it out of Eco. Good luck.
I was thinking in terms of trip mpg BUT that doesn't include a bunch of other driving like non-highway or stop and go. Once you throw that other driving into the mix the variables are so great that we really can't say anything accurately. I thought more about our disagreement and I think it really comes down to driving style and conditions. For example, I can choose to drive slow at 60mph on my mostly freeway commute and get 60+mpg during the summer. Or I can choose to drive fast and more aggressive and my mpg will drop into the mid 50s. If I drive like a maniac I will drop into the 40s. My commute has not changed nor have the environmental conditions. Only my attitude and driving style has changed. So in this way I feel we are both right but looking at the problem from different angles.
You can look at this any way you wish. Drive with no concern for MPGs, or try within a given set of parameters to maximize MPGs. Or take a middle road. First installment ~ Speed. Today I took little Stub out for a Sunday stroll and decided on a brief test. Did two runs on the identical 9.4 mile loop. There was a 30 mph headwind on the outward half (loop on same road with a u-turn) and, of course, same tailwind on return. Moderate hills involved. Four lanes, nicely paved. Light traffic so I was able to 'reverse pass' and impede no one. One run cruise control set at 65 - average speed is lower because of the turn around and resultant loss of speed. Other run no cruise, driving with load, reverse passing. One clown gets 48 MPG and the other clown gets 73. You makes your choices and pays your money. Usually no one else cares. Make yur own way and don't expect praise or commiseration. Update: Same route cruise set to 75.
Precisely. Too bad so many have problems with that concept. With that not expecting praise part, too.
43 mpg is about right when one does not change a few old habits. That is what my wife gets. I see it as my job to get us back closer to 50 mpg after I get under the wheel. We live in a small town so our jaunts are short and engine is cold. We run a 26 mile, one way, trip a couple of days a week to our part time job. That is where I get the mileage back up, after she has driven around town for a few days. My city car is a souped up Vdub baja so I hotrod the crap out of that and treat the C with a little more kindness.. Dan
I like the cruise control. I think it does a pretty good job with fuel economy on the hwy. I drove 30 miles from home to Fullerton on 91 fwy, two days in a row: no cruise control, average 65 mph: next day, cruise control, average speed 65 mph: not much difference. oh, and for those that think Prius C is for city... well, it'll do fine on the hwy as well. Any Prii will do, if you will.