I generally don't; just assume it is 5% less. The only time we kept the records was on X-country trip. The reported MPG over 8,600mi was 51.1 and calculated 49.3. Since there are variations in pump calibration, gasoline temperature and alcohol content I would not sweat it. As I recall Prius computer does not measure gas consumption directly uses MAF readings to calculate and as energy density/need for oxygen varies, so does the accuracy of the result.
Impressive averaging. I haven't reset the trip meters in a while and I'm only around 53 mpg indicated (39k+ miles). This would seem to make it pretty square with the EPA ratings. I got tired of entering the info on Fuelly, so what you see there is outdated and likely much closer to 50 mpg.
I'd like to take the hypermiller credit for it but this is likely due to my commute routes. They all have congested sections, low speed country sections; they are long and it is flat here. 55MPH speed limit at highest but the biggest part is 1-1.5mi cool down 25MPH section, this usually brings MPG by 1-1.5MPG. Plus it has been unseasonably cool and A/C use was sparse.