The method DeadPhish suggested on the first page appears to be the correct way to set the mirrors to avoid blind spots. This article talks about a technical paper that studied the geometry of blind spots and described the proper way to set the mirrors. The author, when testing this approach found it was identical to having a Blind Spot radar now beginning to appear in some cars. Are Blind Spots a Myth? - Wheels Blog -
I've added these on every vehicle I've owned. I don't know why cars don't just come with them, I feel they're safety items. They do take a little learning before getting used to them, as my wife will attest - she doesn't use them and doesn't understand how they're used despite my attempts to show her. But I have to have them. I put them on the inside top corners of my mirrors - the spots least used on the larger mirror, and I try to always get the adjustable type so I can angle them to my preference, then adjust the larger mirror so that it sees a wide angle out from the side of the vehicle. The combination has saved me a number of times. And I also STILL look over my shoulder much of the time as I make a lane change. I guess I'm overly cautious.
Yes - they're not that easy to find in 1". We have a great motorcycle accessory shop in Denver that sells them.
Has anyone tried a "LANECHANGER PLUS" rear view mirror? I don't know anything about the product ... just askin' They seem to be affordable on Ebay but it is hard to return one if it doesn't work out. Bob Wilson
I've had these mirrors on mine since it was a week old. Used sideview blindspot mirrors for many years and find it hard to drive without one. Installed a convex mirror onto the rear mirror - it covers the entire right side of the car perfectly. Works great for me. Just a quick glance covers both sides well.
Hi DeanFL, I especially like the ones that sit on the side of the inside, rear view mirror. My NHW11 doesn't have a lot of space above the inside, rear view mirror and though the ZVW30 does have space, I'm worried about the extra weight. Is there a brand or part number to look for? Thanks, Bob Wilson
I once got off of a jury: LAWYER: "Mr. Wilson do you have any opinion about bicycle and car accidents?" BOB: "Yes, I ride a bicycle and know I'm invisible to cars." LAWYER: "Excused" Bob Wilson
Bob, not sure what you may mean by extra weight. I bought the convex mirror at Auto Parts like Auto Zone etc. They typically have an array of mirror types. I removed it from the black frame it was mounted in, so only the mirror itself was left. Mounted it onto the stock Prius mirror with silicone adhesive and a small plastic block behind. Doubt if it weighs an extra 2 ounces. I have rightside vision issues, and this mirror covers the entire right side thru the windows from the rear little quarter to the middle of the right passenger window. So one quick glance and you can see anything there.
I found a "PILOT" MI-003, a 2.25" x 1.25", convex mirror that fits in the lower right and left corners of my NHW11 rear view mirror. These corners normally show the rear seat head rests. Now I can see out the passenger windows to cover the area from the passenger door to the rear. I still can't see through the rear seat head rests but now I don't care. I'll post photos later this evening. I also found a larger convex mirror from Pilot that is about the same height as the rear view mirror. But to mount it, I would have to add a backing plate to extend the rear view mirror. This would in turn block the visors from coming down. Still, it would increase the area for a larger view. It might make more sense to mount the larger, convex mirror on the visor and just hang it down. Two solutions and both seem to work. THANKS! Bob Wilson
My reading of the OP suggests that the discussion should be about the A-pillar blind spots. I've had a couple of startle moments when I have realized that I didn't see something 'hidden' by the A-pillars. I tend to lean forward, back, and sideways now when I'm looking for cross traffic.
<GROAN> - Cop car involved in accident The cop car travelling south pulled into the Prius . . . apparently the Prius was in the cop car's blind spot. <GAAAAK> Bob Wilson
I'm pleased: Driving home this evening, I saw cars in the convex mirrors that were not in the side mirrors. You'll notice I've positioned the convex mirrors in the lower, outer corners that are normally showing the rear passenger head rests. BTW, the photo is a little distorted since I have to hold the cell phone closer than where my eyes normally sit. At $2/each, these have been a very cost effective modification. My recommendation is to get a couple for less than $5 and give them a try. Bob Wilson
I used this setup a few years ago, and had gotten away from it. After reading this thread, I set it up in the Prius, and agree that it works well. My passenger side mirror is swung out as far as it will travel, but it seems to do the job okay.
I find that folding the rear seat headrests forward when I have no rear passengers gives me a decent view right across the rear window.
So this morning on the way to work, I looked out my driver side window and saw this: So then I looked at my rear view mirror: That little red car: The Mini Cooper was located behind my door post, along side the passenger door. My driver side mirror is adjusted so if my head is against the glass, I can just see the side of my car. Bob Wilson
I too am a motorcycle rider with well over 100k miles on the seat. My philosophy is that I will lose in an accident so I stay out of blind spots as much as possible and ride to be seen. I use the same philosophy in my car as well. So far it has worked quite nicely. I once tried the "wide" setting of the outside mirrors and found that just made the blind spot right next to my car even bigger. I went back to my old way of setting them just beyond seeing the side of my vehicle. Set that way, my blind spot moves to a location easily checked with a quick glance. That setting also allows me to see the lane next to me for a good distance behind. That way, if there is a vehicle approaching at a higher rate of speed (think police officer) I'll know it and delay my lane change. That point hasn't been addressed yet in this thread.
I am with you, rtfs. I find that cars moving quickly towards me are as much of a concern as cars near me moving at the same speed. So I look in the rear-view mirror first, then signal, then look in the side mirror, then turn my head and make my direction change if clear. As I am driving I tend to look around and back, and so know what other cars and things are nearby to within about 50 yards. I rely on view redundancy. This makes me a slower lane changer, but I don't usually drive in big cities with aggressive drivers, and I am OK with having to drive around the block once in a while. Side mirrors are set wide. I think the main negative to my method is I leave the car in front of me neglected from view longer than ideal. This has not bit me yet though, because I do not tailgate. More than anything though, I listen to a little voice in my head that tells me if a lane change is high risk; and if so, I just don't.
the exact point i was trying to make!! blind spots have been around for EVERY car. what has not been around for every car is the ability to see well when turning left. the problem is much worse if the level of the street to the left is below the street you are turning from.