The statement was in left lane not going fast enough, sounds like going slower than speed limit or slower than conditions permit in left lane, deserves a ticket.
Don't assume everyone on here is a Democrat. (not saying I'm not...not saying I am) Just don't assume.
I made the original comment in jest because of the recent allegations that have been dominating the news involving New Jersey/Lane Closures/Gov. Christie/etc. Sounds like there are a fair number on non-democrats on here too, so it was not meant to imply all democrats here.
Can't tell you what individual officers in any state are going to enforce. But I've noticed in driving across the country that many states have signs posted such as "keep right except to pass" along with "slower traffic keep right". It boils down to a courtesy issue, and if there is a lineup behind you and open space ahead of you, and cars are passing you in the lanes to your right, courtesy demands that you move to the right. Regardless of the vehicle make and model, getting people ticked off by holding them up can result in dangerous driving and even road rage, so I applaud the cops that will enforce the law against impeding whether its a Prius or a Porsche.
I didn't mean to kick off a discussion about the speed I was going in the left lane. To clarify, I was not on a freeway or highway. I had made a left hand turn onto a 3 lane road. (traffic lights every 300-400 yards, stores / strip malls on both sides) The left turn lane forced me to land on the 3 lane road in the left lane where I drove the same speed as the car in front of me and the cars to the side of me. Make no mistake, I was pulled over for the sake of pulling someone over. This is what led to my post, is it because I'm in a Prius or do I suddenly have really bad luck.
If the only two choices are "is it the Prius" or "just back luck", I'd say it's bad luck. I haven't even been close to getting any kind of ticket in Prius v or previous liftback - both Barcelona Red. I'm a safe driver but I do tend to speed!
They try to here with their limited resources, but when they say they don't have a "quota" system, it's BS. The last few days of every month, they are out in full force handing out speeding tickets on my commute route - like clockwork!
Like the tweak they recently made to the code in California that red-light cameras could not be placed based on potential revenue to the city, but rather only on safety factors (like accident history at that intersection). Right......
Same here in Ireland. They are called "Safety Cameras"! The mobile speed cameras are run by a private company
Saw on the news last night the Fed's are looking at requiring electronics in car by 2016 that will "talk" to other cars around them to help avoid accidents. I get the concept, but one of the bits of info that will be "broadcast" is speed information. That's all we need - drive by a police car and get citated for speeding without them even stopping us! Heck, who would need to the police anymore - just set up monitors that will send out speeding tickets all day long!
They have those is some places already- Phoenix for one. They have small SUVs with a camera mounted on something that looks like a periscope, and they park them alongside the freeway. I believe the vehicles are unmarked, but by the time you see one, you're already had, if you are speeding.Not sure, but I think (hope) they have a human going through the photos and issuing the tickets. The monitors you mention might not even need a human.
The article I read said that was based on WiFi and GPS. The problem I can see with this is the accuracy of GPS, which is typically not less than 20 feet (6 meters) or so. So it isn't going to be able to tell what lane you in. The accuracy of the radar system used in the Advanced PiP is a lot better than this, and is telling the system the important facts: how far are you from the car in front of you, and what is your rate of closing.
Got pulled over by police for speeding (85mph) on highway last month. He said loudly "2012 PRIUS!" while checking my documents. Not sure what the cop was trying to say.