I agree. This is my first Prius but if I had to replace it tomorrow I would go right back and purchase another 2010 knowing that Toyota will take care of the brake issue.
No regrets at all. This summer when I am back to getting over 50mpg, windows down, sun shine and crusing music, this will all be behind us and the Prius will still be "King Of The Hybrids"!
My second thoughts are:"wow, wish I could buy right after these publicity and get a good discount". Most likely you will get a better quality cars at a better price. Now Toyota must be doubling their effort to ensure quality after all these. I guess I have always been an contrarian The safest time to fly is after an hijack or hijack scare. The best time to buy a stock when the market is in the toilet. The best time to buy a prius when everyone is having doubts and oil price is dropping, which means within a month or two. Good luck with your decision.
In the same boat as you here.... figuratively speaking. Meaning my 2010 is scheduled to land in Long Beach next week, and I've already put my deposit down on it earlier this week (1 day before the 'media frenzy' occured, but I knew it was going to happen anyways). I have zero doubt in my mind about not wanting it or any concern that may be for it.
I just had my offer on a 2010 accepted -- just waiting to see what colour they'll come up with I was going to wait until the summer to coincide with my (hopefully not too delayed) graduation and to finish up the winter weather with my old car, but with all the panic in the news I figured it was a good time to get a deal, and made my move sooner. I think that it's better to get the car now: the car is only going to get safer, and with the spotlight on Toyota, any issues will be ironed out with great scrutiny. Whereas if you get cold feet and go with another car, who knows what issues may be lurking under the surface there?
Remember to apply for the grad rebate! IF your parents have a Toyota, you qualify for a loyalty rebate too.