I use PRI stabilizer (much better than Stabil) for any ICE that will sit more than a couple months. Highly recommended! Of course use the Pure Gas site to find ethanol-free gas near you.
I've got an ancient bottle of Stabil, idly wondering what to do with it. It supposedly goes off, so don't want to pour into gas tank. Or maybe just a bit with each fillup? At the rate we drive, will finish it off in a decade. Old STABIL--What to do with it [Archive] - Walleye Message Central
Had crystals form in an old bottle. Just a few. Probably just added the liquid to tanks of lawnmower gas.
We just did a 3 hour 167 mile trip and it was exactly as you say, it used the EV mode heavily until 86% and then wavered between 85 and 86, concluding with a 4 mile downhill on a back road that charged us back up to 92. Trip MPG 52.7. We have a XSE/19" wheels. Over a few hundred miles of mostly small town roads, I'm averaging 4.6mi/kwh. I've managed to get it up to 6 on individual trips. Range is a very consistent 52 miles.
Ran the tank 8 miles past empty, and filled up approx. 9.6gal which leaves a gallon in reserve. 52mpg average along with the 8 miles gives me about 60 miles of emergency reserve.
Cool. Good to know in general how much range to expect after empty. 60 miles is a good amount range to find a Gas Station or Level 2 charger.
Got my new 2023 Prius Prime Premium Cutting Edge and very pleased. Had to go to Rochester NY to get it. 270 mile trip. MSPR and no BS. Question is when I was driving back I couldn’t tell how much MPG I was getting combining EV with HV lick I could on my Gen 4. Am I missing something is there a way to see this. Looked in manual and didn’t see it. Thanks to all Prius Drivers.
The only way I know of to get an accurate MPG is to reset the MPG counter after you switch to HV or run out of EV range. Otherwise it will count the EV miles towards your MPG giving you a vastly inflated figure.
@mountaineer : I agree, after 20 years of precisely tracking efficiency on my Gen1 I feel kind of lost on the Gen5. For now I'm just tracking EV-only range/efficiency since that is possible, but way to messy to do anything realistic with gas that I can see. I just reset Odometer B on every charge and then note miles and battery percent if I get home with it low or when it gets down to 0 in-trip. will