I'm sure it's splendid, however being that I'm a low-budget peasant, I would be dreaming to even think about purchasing one of those extremely expensive vehicles. I also have my paranoid fear of trust issue to deal with. Prius Prime is a very safe haven for me and my limited budget. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app. AChoiredTaste.com
I can definitely understand the trust issue. We all have our own little paranoia's in different ways. However, with the cost thing....less than a year from now you will be able to buy a Tesla for roughly the same price as a Prime.
The Tesla Model S and Model X are indeed expensive but they are nicely outfitted vehicles. When and if Telsa finally manages to ramp up production of their Model 3, they may be able to attract more of us who have financial constraints. Meanwhile, I notice that the Model S and Model X have been around long enough to start appearing in the used car market at more affordable prices. TrueCar currenty shows about 280 of them on offer at prices from $35,999 to $48,947. Not cheap but not totally insane. As for charging, I have seen many Telsa Model S and Model X at Level-2 EVSE charging stations around town. Keep in mind that the kWh per mile is not that much greater than most PHEVs and EVs, so if their owners are driving the same number of miles as a typical Prime owner, they can "top off" their battery in about the same amount of time at a Level-2 station. Admittedly, I really wish that the Prime had a 50-mile EV range. Its 25-mile range is OK for the vast majority of trips in our urban Boston location, but it just would not work in a more spread-out city like Denver. Even so, its ability to supplement its EV range in hybrid mode may be a greater advantage than having a few more miles of EV range before having to find a charging station or a tow truck.
For my travel style, it is mindblowingly sparse. In between I-90 and the TransCanda Highway, the only stations between the Pacific Ocean and the Great Lakes are in Kelowona BC, Fort MacCleod AB, and Baxter MN. And even I-90 and Highway 1 themselves have giant gaps. A couple years ago, the spouse and I took a very leisurely cross country sightseeing trip across the northern tier, including a couple days north of the border, to her high school reunion on the opposite coast. We generally avoided Interstates, and took very many side trips along the way. Along Highways 20 and 2, this Supercharger map (supercharge.info) shows no service for a 1750 mile stretch. Not counting the extra miles rolled up on side trips.
Yep, currently a Tesla wouldn't fit your needs. I definitely suspect that will change within a few more years, especially once most decent hotels have Tesla chargers at them.
That's the big qualifier, TIME. I'm sure the ADEQUATE infrastructure for BEVs will appear eventually, just not in the short remainder of my lifetime. Hey just look at the current road/bridge infrastructure; estimates put the cost at some 1 trillion dollars to bring it up to date!! Good luck on getting THIS government to do ANYTHING about that, let alone electric infrastructure upgrade. It will have to be done by private industry. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app. AChoiredTaste.com
The charging infrastructure is definitely under the purview of private industry, not government. But like you, I'm also running up against a biological expiration date, at least for active travels, and am not confident about ever getting to use it. I'll probably be watching travelogues about it on TV from an assisted living home. That is also one of the reasons I went ahead with putting solar PV on my house several years ago, designing and installing it myself. Even if it will be more cost effective to wait until later, I want to see and make use of it during this lifetime.
Older gentlemen...have faith that soon autonomous vehicles will be able to take you wherever you want to go in comfort.
Comfort and terror; I'll walk first!! Now where did I stick my consarn it wheelchair??!! I can Amazon most anything, and the groceries can be delivered too!! If they want to see me, they can drive to MY house!! Posted via the PriusChat mobile app. AChoiredTaste.com
No but I can stay in my SAFER manually driven car, until I'm confined to my little cottage, with the beautiful garden!! At that point, let progress pass me by! Posted via the PriusChat mobile app. AChoiredTaste.com
Some hotels do have Tesla home chargers but you'll have to call ahead (otherwise it's a regular L2). According to the supercharger map, I-90 to I-94 and Trans-Canada from Calgary to Thunder Bay will be equipped with superchargers by the end of this year.
Quicker for many functions, yes! It runs in the family; my dad could multiply 3 digit numbers by 3 digit numbers in his head, super fast! Posted via the PriusChat mobile app. AChoiredTaste.com