Compare it to the walnut hull blasting required every ~60k miles in many direct-injected gasoline engines from Audi, VW, BMW, Cadillac & MBZ. $700-1200 depending on cylinder count & access complexity.
Just because he asked doesn't mean the dealer has to do it. I think the dealer price is a good starting point so when you do take it to an independent you will know if you are getting a good deal.
I would be fearful of only doing a partial job -- IE --- not doing the intake. Maybe at 100k the intake is not compromised with soot? It's a big job ,, and one thing leads to another. I get someone doing the job themselves -- especially preemptive -- would not install a new EGR valve. But, when paying someone to do it .. that's too risky even if it's still working when high miles. Our 11 was so clogged cleaning the cooler was hopeless and delayed the fix while I ordered the cooler. With our second 11 -- I just ordered up the EGR/Cooler/PVC/Plugs and had it all ready for my independent. Yes -- it's a 1k+ job. The problem with the dealer is they will charge you full list or more for the parts. The parts cost at my dealer was another $400 on the job over what I was able to get online.
Having spare parts makes sense. The local salvage yard or eBay can help reduce the spending on the spares. Then your good to go .
The EGR valve is easily cleaned with Berryman automatic choke cleaner. The EGR cooler, not so easy. The best option is to buy a salvage one off of eBay for about $100 and clean it as a spare. To get it really clean, it takes a long soak. Because of EGR cooler issues, GEN 3 EGR coolers will continue to be in high demand, especially as the cars get older.
Agree -- especially with the cooler. I'm not sure what the failure rate is with the valve -- it was not something I was going to risk for $180.00 The cooler was around $250.
The funny thing is, it's not that hard. I cleaned our EGR system and intake manifold, using brake cleaner and then a series of OxyClean soaks. It came out like new, took me maybe a day all told. All the gaskets looked fine, I didn't change any.
I got my spare setup for $100 out the door. $35 for the cooler and $65 for the valve. Seemed like a great deal.
And how many miles were on it when you did the cleaning? As the miles pile on, the deposits are more difficult to deal with. Let’s just say I tried your tricks and for one of the coolers I cleaned I couldn’t get breakthrough. But 10 minutes with 1700 psi did the trick nicely. As are most things in life, they can be situationally specific but having a decent pool of tools to pull from gets the work done.
I'd concur: I got in early, and it really helped. Maybe our near constant block heater use helped too?? Yeah you need those torx sockets, E8 for the EGR studs and E6 for the throttle body studs. With the latter, it is worthwhile taking them off, if you're going to be handling the intake manifold a lot, avoid the risk of bending/breaking them. And a 12mm ratcheting box wrench is handy, for EGR to exhaust connection bolts. Then, you really want to have the usual "arsenal", because you'll need most everything.
I've caught myself wondering, how far do loosened carbon crunchies succeed in going, on their way to the tailpipe? The catalytic converter isn't exactly full of wide passages.... -Chap
If you use the treatment frequently enough, not much. I buy top tier gas and annually use BG products 44k along with an EPR flush and extended life MOA at every oil change which helps keeps the deposits away. But if you just started after piling on the miles, that equation could be different. Downstream blockages could result and a P0420 code thrown.
Fair point. We've all seen Satan's cornflakes glued to piston crowns and head dishes, and we've seen clean parts too. But I don't know exactly what the chevron detergent does to make one into the other. Does it come out a molecule at a time (vapor), grain by grain, or one big heap?
I cleaned the egr mileage helped 3-4 mpg, getting 39 mpg on 100k 2012, are you still on your first traction battery?? I just replaced my 12 volt too mileage still sucks