I remember winters like that, way back when I lived out on the East Coast. That's what our springs look like here in Minnesota. It was 10 inches of the fresh wet white stuff in mid-April. In the months before, much colder dry white stuff.
This was at 10:13am with another 6 hours of snow remaining. The black mark on the small white pole on the left with the red flasher is at 2 feet.
Ill post a pic tomorrow After last years RECORD snow fall here in Michigan, this winter has been totally lame. Tomorrow, however, we are due for our 1st snowstorm this season, which is super late. We usually get 4-6 snowstorms per winter. And the usual regular snow where we just get 1-4".
We got 24" last Mon night into Tues morning..... good thing I put snow tires on the Volt If you look about a foot ahead of the CRV- you'll see the tail light of our buried 325Xi.
How about Snow & Donuts with 1 horsepower; Viral Video: Amish Driver Does Donuts In Snow With His Horse And Buggy [Video]
In Huntsville, I could post pictures of SUVs, Jeeps, pickups and 4x4s stuck in the ditches but you've probably already seen enough of them. <grins> Bob Wilson
I'd post a Winter picture, but those of you suffering from the snowpocalypse would hate me. I suppose I could edit out all the blooms and blossoms......
Heres a satellite image showing the Great Lakes as giant ice rinks. Sun has zero sunspots for the past week as it enters a "Solar Minimum"
Hopefully NY has faced the last of the snow. On to spring. I am hoping no more winter picture for me!
We're struggling through the depths of winter here. And I mean struggling. I took this picture of our TV a couple of weeks ago to send to my sister in England (she sent me a very sweary message back). Those temperatures - the ones with the icicles hanging off them because it's SOOOOOO COLD - are in Centigrade. So in American numbers, that means it was 64°F in the City (Sydney), and a bitter 63°F in the suburbs of Penrith and Bankstown. Honestly, I sometimes think Australians need to toughen up a bit.
Well if you're not used to those temps, it can be chilly. Just like how the Inuit in the Canadian arctic may feel 25°C is too hot. (Not saying they all think it's warm but I do recall one summer where people were cancelling their vacation to go down south because it was too warm)
Yes, and perceptions can change over time. Growing up in England, I thought 18C was t-shirt weather. Now it's definitely long-sleeves weather, although I wouldn't go as far as the many Sydneysiders who think 18C is North Face Jacket weather. In Hong Kong, when the temperature drops below 13C (55F), the government issues a "Cold weather warning", and schools and hospitals are opened up as emergency shelters for old people.
Prius parked in a middle of a lake. There’s so little snow on ice that you can drive anywhere you want on the ice.