Funny, every time I post here about not seeing c's, I see a c. A moonglow i-tech followed me half the way from work to a shopping centre tonight! Exciting!
...then today I'm followed half-way to work by a Summer Rain Metallic base model. The c drought is over apparently.
Saw a white Prius c in the South Bay today. Saw a red one the other day w/some "racing"-style decals on the side. Still am not seeing very many in my part of the Bay Area.
Drove by a Habanero yesterday. Despite friends and family spotting them, I have still yet to see another SRM.
I saw a Habanero in the parking lot of the Market Basket in Gloucester, MA last week. There were no spots next to it, I parked across from it in direct line of sight in hopes they would see my prius C...and get as excited about seeing another as I did. I also saw a silver Prius C at UMass Amherst this weekend.
Spotted a blue one today. It's a first for me. I saw a brand new Leaf today. Still had dealer placards.
I had a gray C tagging along behind me coming out of DC the other day heading into MD then saw a red one the next day. SGH-T989 ? 2
Parked behind the same v at work again today, then tonight in the wild I spotted a Tidal Blue (aka Blue Streak Metallic to most of you) c i-tech. They way he was driving it I doubt he was getting any more than 40 mpg. Including my own I'm now up to 5 c's seen in the wild - three i-tech's, two base model and all different colours - Silver Pearl (Classic Silver Metallic), Glacier White (Super White), White Mist (Moonglow), Aqua (Summer Rain Metallic) and Tidal Blue (Blue Streak Metallic).
Finally saw a SRM! But I think it was someone at the dealership taking it to the gas station... I've never seen one driving around from the outside--made me fall in love with my color all over again!
I seen two today! There was mine out side at work doesn't count tho. Then In the same parking lot I spotted a RED ONE! Then as I was leaving the parking lot and hit the first red light there sat a WHITE ONE!!! Sorry guys Idk why they are upside down
I've spotted several in the wild since last post. Saw three up at the mall. One Habanero, one summer rain metallic, and one white. Saw a silver one at Meijer on Hamilton. Saw a dark gray one out and about near Sunbury. Seems like they are becoming more common 'round here.
Finally today spotted an orange one driving east on highway 60 today. First one seen in my home town and it was just passing through. Dan
I've had my c since April and have only seen a few other c's in the general area over that time. In the past week in Glens Falls, I've seen a habanero, a metallic blue streak like mine, a silver c and a red c.
In keeping with this theme I spotted another one tonight and it was a Sunrise (Habanero). In the overcast light at the end of the day it looked almost - but not quite - pink. Certainly an intruiging colour... makes me want to see one in good light now.
Hey, I saw another C tonight. And probably will every night from now on, LOL Mother-in-Law traded her Rav4 and got a silver C2.