Went for a pleasant walk this a.m. and saw two Prius Cs! One in silver, one in gray - only a few blocks away from each other.
I saw one yesterday (habanero) pulling onto I-71 North from the Polaris area. Weird to see one just like mine when the only time I ever see that color is at the dealer. Also, someone near 270/161 owns a blue one I see a LOT. Always a good moment.
Saw a silver today! Sadly, as usual, there was no way for me to follow the car and I don't think the driver saw me waving frantically out the window. One of these days I'll get used to the horn being in the middle of the steering wheel again (spent too many years driving a car where the honk was on the arm of the steering wheel).
Spotted two Cs (white and habanero) parked in the same lot in Milpitas, CA. Def. a weird feeling, total of 3 Prius c in the parking lot... haha
Spotted a white C cruising through Panther Trace and then it turned into Berkshire... didn't wanna stalk... so I continued on home... First one I had seen so close to home!
Dang it. Wish someone would "spot" me. I feel all alone down here in SEMO. Headed to Memphis in the morning. Look for me as we geocache along the interstate. Dan
Spotted two Prius Cs today, one white, and one in summer rain on Interstate 10 near San Bernardino CA.
I had the same experience yesterday! I was coming back from lunch and as I was making a left turn, a twin to my habanero pulled up to the stoplight for oncoming traffic. I was disappointed I didn't have time to wave at them through the moonroof and bond ;-)
Parked near a lovely grey one with CA plates at the Rogue Brewery in Newport, OR yesterday. It was still there when we left, so they probably didn't see mine. Also saw a silver one on HWY 101 at one point.
I actually finally spotted another one in town yesterday on my way home. May be the Moonglow one that my dealership has had forever. It was sitting in a driveway and I pass there all the time so I will be looking for it again. Funny my dealership got a Habanero, Superwhite, Red, and Magnetic Grey in at different times and they were all gone quickly but that Moonglow C4 sat there for months! I was surprised.
spotted a orange one with chrome rims, went over the bridge i saw him on, and spotted a silver one on the other side
Spotted another one in the area today... this one was parked at work... in the PT Pavilion parking lot outside the J2 Annex... nice to be seeing more of them around... makes me want one even more!!
I spotted a red one in the parking lot outside the Electrical Engineering building of Rutgers University.
silver c followed me along Jane St today in Toronto's west end for awhile; the driver didn't wave or anything though
None have ever waved to me (nor have I waved at them). The day I see another SRM, though, I will definitely wave.