LOL, I've seen garages like that! Power folding mirrors are common in Japan specifically because of small parking spaces. But at least once inside there is room to open a door! - D
It is a big (no pun intended) problem here where land is at a premium and many garages were built when cars were much smaller. My Prius only just fits in my garage - and I mean only just and then it's a job getting out. It's a real pain, but I'm not alone - check out the following; Council builds garages that are too small for drivers to get out of | The Sun |Home Scotland|Scottish News Antony Mannion declares his garage is too small for a mini cooper |
The sort of paved street from the highway to our property gets plowed, which is one reason to leave the car there. Eventually a kind neighbor with a tractor plowed our driveway. Now I have a big snow thrower. It might take ten hours to clear the driveway, but at least we won't be trapped again!
. . . . 331 more snow photos, along with larger versions of the ones above, are available on my website. .
hill, I feel sorry for you!!!! That is cruel! Lets hope that is it for the year. How many days were you stranded? H
Not me. when there's heavy snow forcasted while we're in MT, our Prius goes in the garage. THAT prius is back east.
The wild Minnesota Prius is pretty elusive. It often only moves during night time, only leaving tracks behind to be discovered during daylight. One day out for a stroll in the drive way this week, I discovered the wild beast had indeed been in the vacinity. It's tracks indicate it to be a male, a buck, and what a beauty it must be! Attached is a pic of the tracks the creature made a couple days ago during a fresh snow fall. It plowed a path down 200 feet worth of driveway and then through the bank at the end that the snow plow left behind. Note that the 32 inch cut snowblower in the picture should not be confused for a Prius. To the far left in the photo is undisturbed approximate 12" of new snow, followed by the tire track rut, then what the undercarriage left behind, and finally the cleared path made by the snow blower (which is still on top of 3" of hardpack on top of asphalt). One of these days I hope to catch this elusive beast out in the daylight. Or wait until summer time again when we get more daylight.
you can get an inexpensive 'motion sensor' camera from ebay. that way you'll get a for sure picture of the beast or a guy trying to steal your snow