Don't mind beep. Still trying to find a way to disable pledge drives when I listen to NPR in the car.
There's a power button on the radio for that. Or you can switch to AM using the Mode button on the steering wheel. Or play a CD. Or get an iPOD. Or, if you have Bluetooth, call the station from your Prius, make a pledge, and feel twice as smug afterwards...
There are so many little things in this world that I should just ignore but they annoy the crap out of me. For some reason, the reverse beep is not one of those things. Maybe because I'm usually blasting the stereo so it's not as noticeable. Anyway I just let it be(ep).
I knew it! You're just like my wife! She told me just the other day that she doesn't beleive in divorce- but murder is fine!!:ninja:
If it were beeping outside the car, I might have been a bit more reluctant to turn it off. But beeping inside the car? that's just an annoyance.. I know I am in reverse, since I moved the lever
Outside is fine, even a good thing. I like the idea of hooking it up to the back-up lights outside. Inside is driving me NUTS. (This translates to everyone around me going nuts as well.) Been driving for over 40 years and this is the first car that wanted to warn the me when it is in reverse. The turn off instructions are printed and sitting by the door for the next time I go out. Have lived with seatbelt beeps for years and always use them so I have never heard the belt beep. Bob
I discovered PriusChat the day after I brought my baby home and found the beep drove me insane...I instantly googled "disable reverse beep 2006 Prius" and have been here ever since. A good outcome for me, I believe!
The beep comes back if you disconnect the 12V battery. I have disconnected the battery twice, so I have disabled the reverse beep three times.
But then I have to clean them off and that is such a pain! I guess it is a good thing my Prius is Barcelona Red....
I printed out the instructions last fall and put them in the car. Funny, it was warm and I had a few minutes to kill so disabled the beep (worked first try) the day this topic was posted before I saw it. Now I shift into "R" and wonder why the car is so quiet!!
I disabled mine but re-enabled it incase my wife needs to drive the prius. The beeps don't bother me and really, how long are we in reverse? A few seconds each time we get in to drive?
Why would anyone not disable, did any of your previous cars have one? On that note, does anyone know of any other car that beeps in reverse inside?
Maybe a big cartoonish boxing glove for the blind and kids and pets. Oh here's an idea, DON'T RUN OUT INTO TRAFFIC. PAY ATTENTION IN PARKING LOTS. We already have beepers at crosswalks. My friend ran over the dog, she lived but cost $1800. Now she doesn't get around cars and waits for you to tell her it's ok before approaching, the dog not the friend. I for one don't want a beeper and like my car as I do my computer, a quiet one is a happy one. There's no bootup sounds, logoff or shutdown sounds, it only beeps and makes noise when I want it to, which is rarely. If I want to listen to noise I'll turn on the news. Although I did almost smash a guy coming back from Subway the other day driving in Battery Mode. Such a perfect driveby vehicle, why ruin it?