I've changed my opinion on this. In 7,000 miles, I've not once experienced the problem and 99% of the time I'm in regen braking. I don't coast to stops, and I never brake harder than regen, except in an emergency. On the other hand, playing around with ABS in the recent snow has convinced me that it's often silent in operation. And I think that's what people are actually experiencing: ABS kicks in but there's no pedal-pumping, grinding-from-under-the-hood to let you know it's kicked in... just a "weird" feeling which some people interpret as brake loss. From what I've read, the loudest complainers are super-aggressive drivers (most of my friends believe I'm an aggressive driver, though that comes more from a greater situational awareness than they have) who are hitting the brakes late in stopping situations and getting caught by surprise when ABS kicks in. Not saying there isn't a feeling when you leave regen suddenly, but most of us have probably experienced that and it hasn't even registered as anything more than "strange". And logically, it makes sense: the faster you're going in the first place and the less room for error, the greater the stomach-in-my-throat factor if you're suddenly not slowing down as fast.
Opps, I voted incorrectly; I said 'I can live with it'. But, after I had voted I surmised that this poll is about a problem I've never experienced. I thought this poll was about the slow-speed grabbing of the brakes which I HAVE had several times in the 6000 miles or so of ownership. Never had any other braking problems.
I replied in the other thread where you asked the same question. It is 4 channel. If you want proof, go subscribe to Toyota TIS and look in the manual for yourself.
You cannot see my Prius tracks as they were not in the light snowy area. My tracks were roughly where you see the skid mark.
Bob, this is at the intersection of Dixie Highway and Maybee Road in Independence Township, MI 48346. Here is an attempt to paste in the link to Google Streetview. dixie highway and maybee road, clarkston MI 48346 - Google Maps
Given it occurs only in regen, I think that discounts aggressive drivers who hammer the brakes at the last second. Having felt it myself, I doubt you have experienced it given your note that you may have just thought it "strange". The first time it happens, it's an eye opening, OH S___ reaction. The good news is before you can even say OH..., it's over. I've felt ABS in a number of vehicles including my Prius and this is nothing like I've ever experienced. I'm not going to say it's not ABS as I'll leave that to the engineers at Toyota to determine, but I don't think it is.
Interesting! The Google street view shows a collection of debris at the curb suggesting a shallow dip before the two man hole covers and the curious strips of asphalt extending into the lanes. ... THANKS! Bob Wilson
So far, the only time I can detect any braking effect is very briefly with one pot hole. But today I was taking one of my regular short cuts that crosses banked, railroad tracks. It has an undulation that might get some 'air time.' Those who have rail road crossing problems, are the tracks flat or banked? Do they have wooden road-surfaces around the tracks or concrete? Photos? Bob Wilson
does it? the only time(s) ive experienced it were in hard (read as: non-regen) braking situations. and yeah i agree with whoever said its the feeling of ABS doing its job and not "brake loss"
I agree with the comment that the brakes should ALWAYS work consistently. Blaming the driver who "speeds" or "waits to the last second" is ridiculous. Those drivers need the brakes MORE than the rest of us.
2005 Prius and I voted Daily since for a year I had this issue every morning on my commute. I've moved but can reproduce it and it is a safety issue. Going 25-35MPH, approaching stop sign, There is a sunken man hole cover that I would hit with my RF tire while breaking for the stop sign(I start breaking very early generally to maximize regeneration, not waiting till last minute, so very gradual) . The car suddenly stops breaking and accelerates for just a split second. Scared the crap out of me if I forgot it was coming. I could never decide if it was the stability control OR the bump causing my foot to raise off of the the very sensitive break pedal for just a second, causing the issue. But it is an issue that should be addressed.
The only pot hole I've found has a similar profile and the effect is very brief. I'm really looking for something a little more exciting. Bob Wilson
Well, I'm afraid that doesn't represent my driving or braking style, yet I have experienced the loss of braking symptom. To be clear, I drive in a smooth manner, planning ahead and avoiding abrupt maneuvers or transitions. I avoid excessive use of the brakes and apply them gradually, smoothly and firmly. In other words, I tend to do as you describe in your last sentence, yet I have experienced the problem, although rarely.
It is an interesting problem area as I've filed online requests with the road commission to fix it and they say they can't really fix the road surface due to the limitations imposed by the manhole covers. There is a set of RR tracks I cross on a 35 MPH street once a week and I have some down time in that area each week. I'll try next week to recreate it there. The crossing used to be in bad shape but was redone a year ago and is now about as smooth as a RR crossing can get in this area.
I have the 2010 Prius w/ solar roof that I purchased in June. I have noticed several times since then the braking problems. They have generally occurred when I brake right on top of a sharp bump. The brake will go out and the car jumps forward. I have not tried to reproduce it since it has happened different places and usually when I don't expect it. I am not going fast at the time, I have already starting braking. After hearing about the "lurching forward of the 2010 Pruis w/ braking" on TV, I took my car to a large, local Northern California Toyoata dealer where I purchased my car. The service manager test drove it and said he thought he felt it when driving it over railroad tracks. He told me to come back two days later (today) when their Pruis "expert" was in. I brought the car back in and was told "the car was acting like it should with its' abs brake system", everything was ok, nothing wrong w/ it. He didn't test drive it. This was his opinion. He said they have not had any complaints. What next steps do you recommend I take to have the issue addressed? Thank you for your feedback - Kate
Bob, I was traveling at 25mph flat wooden surface on the tracks. I think the temp was in the high 40s with light rain. The loss of braking seemed to be shorter than the 1/2 second. I was trying to replicate others experience otherwise I don't think it would have happened.