I never said that MG1 was not capable of highway speed. I am planning on still using my two Enginer kits in parallel with a added 4KWh lithium pack. Now that's extreme.
Just be careful of codes that are thrown due to a current mismatch and overheating the stock NiMh battery due to the lack of a good mechanism to control the OEM blower fan. Plug-In Supply takes care of all of these issues..
You can follow details of using a BMSplus with a 230V Lithium pack which is what I am doing on http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-p...planing-canview-bms-conversion-lithium-5.html It takes care of any current mismatch and so far there has not been any DTCs thrown. This is due to using only a 230V battery pack and not a higher voltage. My HV battery fan has a mod to run at high speed indefinitely to cool the HV battery. I am already invested in BMSplus so PIS is out of the question. However I could probably add on your ECM module which would allow me to go up to 80kph in EV mode. I am already using a remote control fuel pump fuse switch to go into OutOfGas mode to get EV up to 80kph so it does not really interest me. It just has the advantage to kick the ICE back in whilst driving so big deal. I only use it on 60kph roads and never on the highway.
I'm confused... Typo?? kph?? Did you mean MPH? 80 KPH is 49 MPH.. The PIS ECM controller allows up to 74 MPH(miles per hour) with the ability to utilize the ICE under demanding loads.
Hi Kietty, I did see your other thread phev-plug-in-modifications/88262-2011-plug-in-supply-product-teaser-2.html about how your ECM will do a higher EV speed than the old ICE kill switch. I have been informed that your ECM by itself sells for over US$1700. Can you clarify whether it is available to be sold on it's own. I guess some PHEV users who have a BMSplus system might want to buy one.
That's interesting. I didn't hear of the price for my ECM controller.. From my understanding, right this second, the ECM controller is only sold with the 4kWh kit and 10kWh kit. In the near future, we may open up parts of our conversion kit for purchase.
I was informed by a Enginer user that he was quoted $1700 for an ECM by Robb from PIS. I found it laughable as the Enginer 4KWH kit cannot sustain the battery power (only 48V using a 240V DC Converter max - 15 amps (13 amps average) output) to do EV at highway speed. I guess that any PHEV conversion company needs to adapt to change in order to gain a higher share of the PHEV market which is a niche market or they will lose market share in the long run.
There's absolutely no way an Enginer kit can even sustain ~40 MPH speeds while only outputting 13 amps... While driving on the highway(60 MPH++), I typically see current draw around 100 amps.
Kiet, I wanna setup a test drive with your system sometime in late December. I'm pretty fed up with the Enginer system. My system has been down for almost 3 months now due to faulty converter. They're sending me a new converter that supposedly cooler than the older one. If this converter fails gain, I'm jumping ship.
I'm WAY happy to report that Kiet confirms they can now install their PHEV system in Toyotas(Lexus)' SUV hybrids. WHOO HOO! I'm anxiously looking forward to the "go for it" nod - from my better half. It's only logical - as the RX-400h is her main ride. .
I was reading through the plug-in website. It still states that you must stop to leave EV mode. I was under the impression that when using the ECM you would not need to stop to leave EV mode. Do you still need to stop to leave EV mode when you are using the new ECM? I am a bit confused.
It's a good news that the DIY packages of PIS products is available online. DIY - Plug-In Supply The instruction is pending.
A bit vague. Which cells are they selling? Maybe Headway. What exactly is included. Will be interested to see a price for ECM module. Do they have a forum to find the answer to all these questions? It is not a simple DIY installation like a Enginer kit. It is probably a lot more complicated.
Sounds good. I am really interested to see the instructions, and it sounds as though the system is operating better now (the warnings about entering/exiting EV mode at high speed are gone, it acts more like the Toyota PHV). As the Ampera($58,000) and Volt($53,000) get released here in the UK later in the year, and with the Leaf still at $49,000, $8,500 to upgrade the gen3 prius is a bargain!!
Are there PIS customers to share their candid experience for installing, driving and maintaining their PIS systems?
From my calculations it takes about 30 hp to move a 3000 lbs. weight up a 6% grade at 60 mph. Add resistance etc to this, hp may have to be double. I believe the hp for the MG motors is 67. Thus, from the math, Prius should be able to do hills at reasonable speed without ICE. Wonder why they did not make an all electric Prius? Regardless, what type of springs do you ( experts suggest to prepare Prius for 10 kw battery pack? Thanks .