they where(past tense) with GBS Prismatic on 10kw and 4kw blue cylinders ...The new updated website image of batt box could be pouch cells my guess..
I would seriously caution anyone who is considering buying from PIS right now. Just to let everyone know, I purchased the 4kw DIY kit on 27 Feb and have only received the batteries. Robb Protheroe (owner of PIS) has been very evasive as to when I will receive the rest of the components. He has promised me he would ship them "next week" several times (including last week) but, I've yet to receive anything but the batteries. I'm really having doubts about the reliability of PIS. I'm not even sure if the 4kw kit is fully developed. The whole thing has been very frustrating and a big disappointment Some other things I noticed are; there are no examples of any PIS customers on PC to share their experience. I'm wondering if he's ever actually provided a kit to anyone (10kw or 4kw). I've seen Hymotion, Enginer (several examples), BMS but no PIS. Kietty (PIS Engineer formally on Prius Chat) suddenly dropped off (last post on 11/14/2011(I think)). In talking to some people I know, I'm told he also had problems with Robb (like not getting paid). I'm really starting to have second thoughts about this whole thing. I'm not trying to bash anyone here, I just want people to know about my experience with PIS. Maybe that will prevent them from going through the same thing I'm going through. If anyone wants more info, Pmail me. I'd be happy to detail my experiences.
is it not so that the founders of PIS got in to a fight( over the company ) and now there are 2 PIS's just a litte different name.
The ability to use PIS's kit is the primary reason I'm on the market to buy a used 2010 Prius. If you guys don't get your complete kits in the next month I'm back to the drawing board. Not really interested in reinventing the wheel and doing a full DIY setup from the ground up. I was sold on the piggy back work they've done to control the ECUs management of MG1/MG2 for high speed EV. Hopefully it's just a battery transition or waiting on supplies for the management board I think Kietty did.
Enginer had its ups and downs. when enginer released the RFE batteries it sold a lot of kits. later, those kits had BMS and converter problems. Jack was trying to figure out what's wrong with the kit. later he went to China to meet with the suppliers. during his stay in China, all communication to enginer had ceased. people were panicking that we enginer had gone under. PIS might be going through the same thing with the new design.
Yes, you are correct. The one I'm dealing with is Plug in Supply (the one that was supposed to be the good one).
Sorry to hear you're having trouble navy. I do think we have to make sure we have reasonable expectations of what these small companies can do with limited resources, whether its PIS or Enginer or anyone else. But they still need to deliver what they promise on a fairly reasonable time table and/or be in good communication particularly once money has changed hands. The 4kW kit does seem to be less mature than the 10kW, so I'm not completely shocked but I still had hopes it was going to be easy and fabulous
Well said. It seems like PIS is mainly just Robb and a handful of other people and if that's the case then I don't know how they do it! It's a LOT of work to start a small business...and they're developing several of their own products too.
Plug In Supply appears to be changing battery configeration(maybe going from prismatic to pouche cell) Plug In Supply (PIS) has used GBS prismatic in the past. Some posters(FWD) are confusing Plug In Supply with Solutions(a poor copy cat at best)All PHEV suppliers including Plug In Supply use the marketing tool of 70-99mpg+ which can happen (if certain variables & criteria occur) in narrow driving behaviors
There are some 10KW PIS owners in this forum. I know scottsim has an older 10KW kit in his gen II Prius. kiettyyyy left CA to West Lafayette, Indiana for school.
Man I'm still borderline on this. I really don't want to consider the enginer kit. I have an 8 mile commute to work with local roads with a charging port at the office so I'd be 0 gas for 16 miles daily on a 4kw PIS kit. He does take credit card and did offer via email to take partial payments for various components coming in. I know how small business can be like and would love to support this effort ... but again .. i know how small business can be like and the posts above are signs of either struggle or change. What batteries did you guys get? Is it the one in the new pic or is that the enclosure you're waiting on?
Ah... Coming back to the forum after a short hiatus. I actually took a job full time at Qualcomm in San Diego. I'm still supporting the Plug-In Supply products and future developments. I've just been busy volunteering my time to mentoring a US FIRST robotics team near where I live/work(usually takes up my time from January through late April) Just giving everyone a heads up