thanks for sharing, the link you refer is this where the control board image originated?Also this link is based on a front an rear control board on a 2008 PIS AGM cell install
Sorry, I am not sure having well understood your question. The last link I give come from here: Installation Instructions | Prius Gen 2 and this one have been given by PriusDIY on post #1.
Just FYI The google link with the images are based on a PIS kit that was dated calender year 2008...The cells used where AGM Lead acid for battery pack.So my guess is everything is dated and has been changed, mod, and upgraded.
I'm sure PIS had a reason for selecting the cells they did in the 4kW kit (not easy to find ~20Ah cells that can tolerate 100+ A regen), but I'd be interested in seeing what their price is for that kit w/o batteries. The 10kW is $8500 DIY, and they offer it w/o batteries for $4300, and also offer the batteries alone for $4300. The 4kW DIY is listed at $5000, and the batteries alone at $2600. So maybe $2500 for 4kW without batteries? If that includes the BMS, high speed EV, and basically everything in the 10kW kit that seems like a pretty good deal. I'd be tempted to try using the A123 20Ah pouch cells folks have been experimenting with to get longer range, probably lower resistance/better performance, and possibly better cycle life at a somewhat lower cost.
PIS has definitely been up to a lot since that 2008 install. If you watch Rob's system overview video on the PIS website you can see it's much more refined now. A few things I noted: -Better batteries -Better controller boards/circuitry -Cell boards linking all cells for BMS -Charger is now underneath the pack -Controller boards now in the compartment on the left for easier access. Advanced Battery Management System (BMS) for Lithium Ion Cells | Plug-In Supply
Thanks I am aware of the above changes however some posters are just random linking "past" and with "current".
I believe these are the same PIS control boards for 10kw which autobeyours sell for 595. DISCOUNTED INSURANCE SALVAGE they control contactor, spoofing and come with wire harness
Could be. Steve's a good guy who knows a lot about the Prius and is a pretty neutral party to all the plugin drama that's unfolded over the years. He'd definately be worth calling up and talking to. My '05 Prius was one of his rebuilds.
strange to see the Nox so higher then standard with a depleted pack Plug-In Prius Conversion MPG and Emission Test Results | Plug-In Supply Test Results HWY Results: Charge Depleting (g/phase) 0.4686 Charge Sustaining (g/mi) 0.02 Standards LEV II SULEV @150K 0.04
Interesting find. Looking through their website I found a section of them installing the PIS kit. Strange title for the webpage though "discounted insurance salvage."
I realize that but the link was to a page selling circuit boards. Sorry, it's the html coder in me being picky.
While you're being picky...the page has a link where the link text says plug in Solutions, but it links to
It looks like Plugin Supply has updated their system. The battery packs are enclosed in a bank of cells. 4KW are split into 2 banks and 10 KW are split into 4 banks. Plug-In Conversion Kits for Prius, Escape, Highlander, Camry | Plug-In Supply for more pictures
I have a 4KWH system on order right now. Hoping to get my entire commute done in EV (~17 miles one-way; recharge at work; max 45 mph, but mostly 35 mph). I'll post how things go. Expecting kit (DIY) in early May.
It is a pitty it won't work on the GEN-1 Prius. You can pick those things up now for about $4,000 to $5,000. Add another $6,000 for the 4Kwh kit and you could have a viable EV for around $10,000.
Thanks MJ, please keep us posted! I think there is quite a bit of interest in the updated 4kW kit here on the board!
With batteries being shipped from China, it won't be here until early May at the soonest. Targeting install for mid-May if everything arrives.