Except for the "Plug-In Hybrid" logo near the Driver's front wheel, it's hard to tell the PIP vs the Prius, unless you get a glimpse of the Passenger-side EV door. Since I'm the 1st in the Area with a PIP, I'm still waiting. Though I'm told that there are a few Leafs and Volts in the Area, I've been looking, but haven't seen any of them either. Is there a webpage for LeafChat or VoltChat?
Seen the same Clearwater blue in the carpool lane drive alongside by silver PIP 2 days in a row on the 405 south long beach area
I see a Volt and a Leaf almost every day. I spotted a Prius C parked downtown and a CR-Z on the freeway yesterday, but still no PIPs. Ukr2, they have a chrome band across the back, and chrome door handles, but that will be hard to see on the silver ones.
Today I had the pleasure of seeing the first (and only?) Prius plug-in, in the great state of Georgia. And meeting it's owner Crewdog. Thanks Bill for giving me a thorough rundown of all the great feature of your Advanced model Pip. Clearwater blue is quite stunning and looks great on the Prius! Another week or so, and I'll claim the #2 spot. I can't wait. I stupidly neglected to take a pic, so here's one from his album.
Thank you, I have no clue why I typed 805.. Saw my first C on the road today on Mira Mesa Blvd. and I see Volt's everywhere...guy down the street from my house that owns an autoshop owns one and parks/plugs it in under a carport...
I thought I had the only one in Alameda on March 1st. But that lasted only a day until I noticed a fellow PCer 300 yards from home. Saw my 2nd one today in San Jose, on Plumeria, the light green color. I have not seen any green stickers yet though on either Prius or Volt, although I'm commuting 35 miles on 880 pretty often.
I think there are at least three PiP here on our little Island. We're in the Fernside area fyi... Ours is grey and is now lovingly adorned with Green stickers!
Silver PIP (Same as mine!) on South 85 in San Jose on Friday (3/30) around 4:30PM. Toyota 101, Redwood City? I was on a BMW motorcycle.
Your C sighting is in an area where I live. Maybe you will see my PiP one of these days. There are lots of Leafs & Volts around here (Mira Mesa) though I have not seen any other PiP's so far.
Saw my 4th PiP (aside from mine) in the wild today. Blizzard White Advanced in Irvine on Jeffrey at around 2:20pm. Green sticker #8.
I was looking for that thread but it was hard to search on my phone. Thanks, rogerv I just saw another PiP. Winter gray metallic Base, no plates, Irvine, South Coast Toyota, in the Target shopping plaza on Barranca.
I saw one silver advanced PIP on 405 near Costa Mesa today. No plate yet, also from Carson Toyota. I drove next to the car, and we waved hands to each other.
Just saw a 3rd one today. White, not sure it was base or advanced, Rosemead Blvd around 740pm. Custom plate, something like, 4PLUGGIN.
The front headlights are different. Advanced has two of the circular lights. As Dianne said, the Advanced has the fogs, Base model, no. While we're there anyway, does anyone know what these plugs are for?