I did want a PiP at first. But they don't sell them in WI, and special ordering one would've been a hassle, especially with no incentives/rebates. And though I thought about it, I ultimately didn't want to pay shipping or fly out to a state that sells one and drive it home either, so ended up with a regular liftback. No regrets with it, though my next car will definitely have a plug. Whether it's the next gen PiP remains to be seen, mostly with the specs, but largely if Toyota will sell it nationwide, or if they're going to stick with just the states that already offer the PiP again. If it's the latter, or the EV range is really terrible, I'll probably just buy a Volt, Bolt, Leaf, or Model 3 instead.
True enough, but it has a They run on gas? Holy crap! I was misinformed. You mean to tell me that a Pip is nothing more than a garden variety Prius with a bigger battery and a smaller gas tank and no spare tire? Why doesn't anybody tell me these things? Actually? You're right. There's no such thing as an UPS - but I was thinking that a Pip would a larger DC battery to play with to modify as a power source. Putting gas in a G3 is just as easy as putting into a genset - probably easier,since you can wait until the motor kicks off and not have to kill the hotel load while refueling. We have a term in that US Navy for what happens when people try to refuel a running gas generator: Screaming Alpha. Naval Terminology, Jargon and Slang FAQ One can pull 1500w off a Prius without breaking a sweat, and that's plenty of emergency power in a moderately efficient home.
A standby power generator isn't the same as an uninterruptable power supply (UPS). A UPS is intended to cover for short power outages and power blips. A standby generator is used to supply temporary power until line-power returns. A generating plant supplies power on a continuous basis.
Greg is correct. My intentions for my next car (be it a G3, G4, Pip or Volt) will be as a transportation appliance primarily, with the capability of operating as an aux/standby generator. Profound apologies.