I did buy 2012 Prius 2 and had envy during rush hour traffic when all the PIP was driving past me. After the HOV sticker was extended to 2019 I turned in my Pius after 1 yr and 6 mos. of driving it. I am a happy PIP driver since April driving in the HOV lane. no regrets now
Envy: The reverse of pride ... one is the act of comparatively looking down at others ... one is the act of comparatively looking up at others. Best to focus on contentment - rather than always wanting more & more. Who is more content ... the person with 10 million dollars? ... or the person with 10 kids. It's the person with 10 kids. That person does not want any more .
"PIP regret" would seem to imply that owning one is a mistake. I've never had less regret for purchasing a vehicle in my entire life; I'm very pleased with my purchase, despite experiencing nearly daily derision from other drivers who tailgate and honk annoyingly in apparent disgust in my choice of vehicle. I've even had my charging cord unplugged by some anonymous person at work.
The ones that work at my company. The novelty wears off if you ignore it. I can only guess that they are disgruntled because I am "stealing" from work despite having gotten permission from HR. iPhone ?
do you have a Chargepoint account that texts you if unplugged ? Be fun to boobytrap it or at a minimum fit with a loud alarm on a plus note at least the jerks aren't doing worse like keying the PiP
Plug-in Envy??? Not at all! Back in 2012 I needed a new roof on my house. Did it right and put a metal roof on so I won't have to worry about it for the rest of my life. Then I was bored one evening and started doing some checking on costs and such for solar power. Found I could easily afford to put a system on the new roof, so I ended up with a 4.32 kW one up there. Then I found that my old 2002 Dodge Dakota was going to cost me several thousand if I wanted to keep it on the road after 65,000 miles.... Only used it a few times a year so that wasn't going to happen. Had been looking at a site about EV and PHEVs so I did some research, crunched the numbers, did some measuring and found the nearest Toyota Dealer (where I bought a 2008 Yaris that I loved) had two PiPs in stock. Drove over and drove one, did some more math, and 3 days later bought one! I did consider a Volt, but since I needed something I could haul sound equipment and 2x4s, and bags of Moo Poo and stuff like that in and the fact that most of my driving is right around town the PiP was a much better fit for me. By the time I got done wheeling and dealing and with all the rebates, the $33,000 car set me back a little over $19,000. So far, best car I have ever owned (and that includes the Yaris which never had any troubles at all in the 5 years I drove it)! There is one identical to mine two blocks away from where I live. I'm waiting to find the owner outside sometime when I drive by and stop and chat with him/her. Oh.... 73
The same jerks that ICE EV charger parking spots even when adjacent parking spots are wide open for them to use.
Yea real jerks! Nothing is stealing when you got permission. Wish you could tape them in the act and get them in trouble!
There's nothing to envy; except that we get to hog the plug-in spots. For 10-12 miles of EV advantage, the extra cost and inconvenience just isn't worth it.
Please don't make blanket statements that imply that everyone is under the same scenario. A lot of us on here absolutely love the plug in option. Mine has already saved me at least $600 already.
It would be flattering to think that my opinions carried such weight that they could be considered a blanket statement. However, if it appeared that I was speaking for all PiP owners, I'd like to clarify that I was only speaking for myself.
They only sell Pips here to other elitists on the coasts. Actually....my company only bought the regular old plebeian Priuses, but since then (2010) the price point and the federal kick-backs for PHEVs have brought them down to the point where non-elitists can afford them. I live in hurricane country, so I'm also deeply interested in using a PHEV as a UPS I don't have Plug in envy, but we work-a-day wireless drivers always say that.
LOL! Good point! You may want to loop Toyota in on that little bit of trivia. Actually? I've seen them for sale in Florida, but if I were going to club up to a Pip, I would probably purchase one from one of those itty-bitty little blue states on the right coast. The economy is a little softer up there, and the SE is a tough place to buy a Prius unless you go used-private party. I'll betcha there will be some Prius drivers up in some of those states that use their cars for an UPS in a day or two.....be it the regular old G3 or the Pip.