I noticed you are in Columbus......I was born and raised in Cincinnati but am now a transplated southerner. Rest in the confidence that Trystyn is upheld in prayer and God is still working that miracle!! Judi
That's crackin' news. Glad to hear that she's seeing some solid improvement. Modern medicine and the human spirit are quite often a powerful combination. The weirdness will pass as she gets her strength back and she's not on so many different meds. I was in a haze after I had my head stove in during a football match (my goalie put his fist through my head... followed by his chin. It was a massive collision that left me in a heap on the pitch). Lots of different meds and the trauma of a pretty good head injury (unconscious and a pretty epic seizure) had me a little out of sorts for a while... and that's not much compared to what your niece has gone through. Kids are a tough lot, though, and I'm sure she'll be back to her old self soon.
Wow, she is nuttier than squirrel doo! If we didn't know any better we'd say she was possessed! Pretty sure it's still ICU Psychosis and sleep deprivation (she hadn't slept for four days straight). She has been everywhere from Katherine Hepburn to Hannah Montana impressions, displaying the the finger, having "three heads" and "five eyes" and a myriad of other behavior. They are concerned enough that they have a psychologist looking after her, maybe that's normal course, I don't know. During her episode of bizarre, out-of-her-head talking (it's weird, she looks right through you as if you don't exist) we asked her to say her nightly before-bed prayers and she refused until we talked her into it by making a game out of it. We got through that, she puked, was normal, talked bizzare again for a minute, normal for five and then fell asleep. That was our note to leave. Hopefully she slept and will regain some normalcy today! More later. Thank you all for your continued prayers and support! Love you all, David & Melissa By the pic you can see she was confused by her surroundings and a little weepy, she did smile a few times. This is the first time she and her brother have seen each other in 25 days.
Sleep deprivation itself can cause all sorts of bizarre behaviour. Sailors sailing alone across the oceans have recounted all sorts of strange hallucinations brought on by being forced to be awake for days because of heavy weather. Combine that with a lot of drugs and it's not surprising she's a little "off". In the ends she'll probably have some great stories to tell her kids and grandkids.
Tristyn is doing wonderful. As they wean her down from the methadone she is gaining her sanity back. It's pretty clear the methadone is the current cause of her bizarre behavior. Within a couple of minutes of receiving her every 8 hour dose she begins to cry and exhibit the bizarre behavior, but at least now she is much more appropriate as the dose decreases. She continues on tube feedings but I suspect they will withdraw tha in a couple days as she ate food for the first time in 29 days yesterday and did not get sick from it. Last night when we were there and she was beginning to fall asleep, she quickly awoke wide-eyed, looked at Melissa and said, "Thank you for praying over my head. Thank you for praying for Tristyn." Sunday while she was in one of her bizarre and distant moods and singing/crying for 4 hours straight she kept singing, "Oh God, how did you do it? I was dead." For a person admitted to the hospital 28 days ago with concurrent MRSA pneumonia, MRSA septicemia, MRSA osteomyelitis, and influenza, she is truly a miracle.
Tristyn is coming home today! Wow...31 days ago we were told there was nothing left to do and many expected her to not live. Today she is coming home. I thank every one of you who even just put her in your thoughts. Thank you all who prayed, whether you thought it would help or not. Thank you, Father, for the physicians who looked for new ways to treat her and did not back down to the doctors who did not agree, for the nurses who kept vigil over her, for the respiratory therapists who made sure her respiratory wellness was well tended, and her physical therapists who worked with her to keep her from developing issues from lying in bed for so long. Thank You, for all those who prayed for her and held on to hope. Thank You for listening, and delivering.
I am delighted that she has recovered and is coming home. While I do not believe that my thinking of her made any difference, I was thinking of her and hoping a happy outcome. I feel your joy.
I got here late but thanks for sharing ... what a January you all had. Blessings. Like my plate says - "One Nation Under God"