I think you’re probably ok but I would change out the filter again in about 500 miles, inspect the filter and see if anything suspicious in the filter media. It’s cheap insurance.
The noise is back, idk what to look for now. I ll check underneath again. Its only heard when i have foot lightly on the accelerator doing 10- 20mph speed.
FWIW I've often noticed a bit of buzz under moderate acceleration. Not always, but when it's happening it's consistent. Push a little more or less and it goes away. Seems to be coming from right side of engine bay.
Wasn't that due to the clip holding the air intake tube vibrating in the mounting hole in the frame? There are three 10mm bolts, but also a push in clip as well. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Without having a sound bite of the noise, I’m going to guess that maybe the catalytic converter heat shield is resonating from being broken at a mounting point. This can happen at a pretty specific frequency.
I remember a feller here tighten the T section of where the radiator hose was braced to run under to the intake manifold, it was rattling.
"What should I do next?" Clean it out. Here is a link to a YouTube video on how to go about doing that...
That’s why people put oil recovery cans on their Vehicles. This is a common issue with GDI and Atkinson cycle engines. While you are at it you should also clean the EGR system if you haven’t already done so. See YouTube for instructions.
So i took out the wiper assembly to see if the exhaust shield was loose. At first i thought it was solid until I accidentally Pulled from bottom in an upward direction and there was play so i took the top 2 out 3 bolts and third one was badly rusted out. I put on the clamp and took a test drive and didnt hear noise when I accelerated slowly that i used to hear. I am planning on installing the OCC so does anyone here any preference to any particular one. I might make one out of 2 inch pvc pipe that i have laying around.
I have two of those in line - works perfect / (& no, I don't use the breather) Hot Oil Catch Reservoir Breather Can Tank Filter Cylinder Aluminum Engine Chrome | eBay
Remove it, clean it, pay special attention to the EGR passages. There's one per port, they're about 1/4" ID. That throttle body is UGLY, probably never been cleaned. Clean the MAP (Manifold Absolute Pressure) sensor too. It's bolted on, just to the right and below throttle body. I've used CRC MAF (Manifold Air Flow) Sensor Cleaner, best to stick with something very clean like that. Both the MAF and MAP sensor run over $200 if damaged, so be careful. FWIW, maybe you have already, but it's not necessary to pull the coolant lines off the throttle body. They have enough slack they can be left connected. Oh, I'm not alone... Yeah I think that's a good idea if you can fit them, especially with a can that's middling efficiency. If you can is catching 50%, going from one to two, your catch rate should theoretically go up to 75%? I think.
I would be interested in seeing how much oil the occ has after replacing the valve guid seals. If the rings were worn, I think you would see a lot of blue smoke out the back and fouling plugs.
To me, it looks like black gasket sealant that came from possible sloppy workman/robot-ship during the engine manufacture process. It happens.
I swapped the engine at 282,000 miles with one from 2016 because the old one had head gasket blown. I cleaned egr, intake manifold and this throttle body motor is from 2016 that came with it and i had it cleaned with the throttle body cleaner. I didnt know about those egr ports in the intake back when swapped it but this time i used 3 cans of brake cleaner and washed it with water and dried fully before installing back. Right now i have 296,000 miles and it had about 100 ml of oil in the intake so thats what i collected in last 14000 miles and maybe some burned in the combustion so i am waiting for the catch can to come.
This noise is driving me nuts now, its on the water pump side only. So can water pump or oil pump go bad in 40,000 miles. It sounds like how impact gun reaches its maximum torque. I am assuming it cant be water pump because my heater works so i am thinking its oil pump since its operated by chain.
Yes, anything can go bad at anytime. It's not very likely though. What noise are you talking about? I thought you had found it with the hose clamp on the converter cover. If you have a long screwdriver, or thin pipe, you can place it on the water pump and to your ear and listen. Does it only make noise when the engine is running? I believe the water pump will run after the engine stops if you have the heater on, but I am NOT certain of that. Are you running the a/c also? Just make sure it's turned off. If the sound is still there, you know it's not the compressor. If the water pump runs with the heater open, and the engine stops and the noise is still there, you found it. If it runs, and it doesn't make noise, could be the oil pump. The propeller for the water pump may be broken and that's the noise. All this is if I am understanding you correctly.
Yes the ac is off, the day i thought i had it fixed, the noise was gone for that day. I tried recording the noise but it doesnt make it when i am recording. i think i can manually turn on the water pump from techstream. The noise comes when its going over a smallest hill so i assume thats when its under load. Also the oil light never comes on the dash so i m split on what to do next. The noise comes and goes so its hard to pinpoint