I found rows 8 thru 21 blank. Checked old backups and it doesn't look like any data was lost. Someone just added some blank rows. Not sure why. So I deleted them and re-Sorted the sheet by Member name. Please be carefull when adding data.
All, We need more members to add their Gas Fillup data to the PIP MPG Spreadsheet. Only 41 members have entered data. Only 125 total entries. Only 4 members with 8 or more entries. Please add your data. Thanks.
Has anyone considered using google forms for collecting the data and then adding it to the spreadsheet?
John, We are using Google Doc Spreadsheet. What is Google Forms? How will it help streamline the process?
Check out this page: Create, send, share, and edit a form - Google Docs Help I opened the spreadsheet and clicked on Tools, but I didnt see a Form option. Maybe only you can see it since you're one of the owners?
OK, I created the FORM. It seems to just be another Tab of the Shreadsheet, requiring me to Move the Info to the MPG Tab before backing it up. The advantage, I guess, is that everyone wouldn't be in the MPG tab, after I protect it.
All, We want to get more Members of PC to enter your Gas Fillup data to the MPG Spreadsheet. However, the spreadsheet keeps getting messsed up and needs correction. Therefore, I created an "Enter Data Here" Form as the first tab. Please enter your new data there and NOT the MPG tab. I'll then move your data to the MPG tab. Thanks,
Can I make another suggestion? In addition to the Fleet averages calculated and displayed on the top row, calculate and display a "mean". To add a bit of recognition/reward for participation, highlight the members/rows that are above the "mean".
Done. Thanks Bisco. Hopefully others will also add their new Fillup Data to the 1st Tab labeled Enter Data Here and NOT to the MPG Sheet. Then I'll move it to the MPG Sheet to keep the sheet clean of errors.