Awesome photo. I like the different blossom colors on the trees in the background and the balance of the blue Prius and the sky as well as the contrast and shadows in the lighting. Very nice.
Here's my PiP on the LDH (Long Drive Home) from Carson Toyota to the San Francisco East Bay: Here's the new circuit I installed today for my charging outlet (I'm kinda proud of this, a circuit marked "CAR.") Here's my car getting some juice downtown:
I posted pics of mine but forgot to post any of my Dads... So here's a picture of his, off the reflection in the hood of mine. That's after 3 coats of Zaino Z-5, one coat of Zaino Z-2 and a spray of Chemical Guys Hybrid V-7. And yes, both pics are off the reflection, just the 2nd 'proves' it.
We road our touring bikes through some of Western Wisconsin on our way across the country and it was hilly alright, but I don't recall it being quite as steep as your picture depicts!