Yeah, after I started watching I noticed you didnt include SOC which made me remember you were having the issues with the custom PIDs. Its still pretty cool you got it all together in a video though. I also noticed, it looked like the ICE shut off at 40C? that would be 104F. Did I see that correctly?
Looks like you tried to sample to many parameters at one time causing the gauges to freeze. Nice lay out over the video.
Yes I'll be releasing Opel Ampera videos with Torque data on Monday. I hope you folks don't mind if I post it here so we can compare the two vehicles. This is her parked in my garage spot.
It's a test vehicle the importer brought from Germany. I'm a electric vehicle driver (Vectrix) since 2008 and one of a pioneers in my country, also a membership of EV society in my country, so I have made some kind of reputation I'm not a dealer. I work in an IT/Developer in a Telco company.
No, it's just that some parameters are not valid until ICE actually starts. Catalyst data for example.
My initial observation between the PiP and the Ampera. EV (at 100km/h (CC - GPS)): - PiP: 20km - Ampera: 60km Gas (100km/h (CC - GPS)): - PiP: 4 litres / 100km - Ampera: 6.5 litres / 100km. PiP has 12A EVSE included, Ampera has 6A/10A EVSE included, which is kinda to slow for my taste. I'd wish for at least 12A EVSE with the Ampera. Also, Ampera's night headlights are awful. They compare with my Renault Clio 2001 and are certainly not what I expected for a 43.000 EUR car. Are there halogen bulbs in the Volt/Ampera? They can't compare with the PiP's and they are a major downer in my book.
Gas (100km/h (CC - GPS)): - PiP: 4 litres / 100km - Ampera: 6.5 litres / 100km. big winner the prius ;-)
Big winner only if you drive a lot, on gas.. Overall most users will use less gas with an Ampera unless they are driving > 180km a day and for it to be a big winner you'd need to be averaging 300km a day. Even factoring in costs of power, you'd need to be doing a lot of driving (depends on your relative fuel vs electricity costs). andi1111: is the issue with custom PIDs inherent or an issue with the prius.. I'm interested in doing this with my volt..
for me i drive 20 a day on EV and other trips are longer then the ampera can do so overall i am better of with the prius and based on toyota research most people worldwide drive 20km commute so on average the prius will do best also take in to account its cheaper to buy and cost less energy per mile to run because its not as heavy.
It's an Torque app issue. I've already emailed the developer and has a fix ready. There's an update to the app and the plugin I'm doing now, but I don't know if it already includes the fix. But when fixed, you'll be able to put custom PID overlays over a video. So far, only PIDs already in the app work in the video overlay. Edit: It seems to be fixed. Unfortunately, two weeks to late, for me. P.S.: I have my Ampera video prepared and ready to be uploaded to YT in the evening. P.S.2: Thanx to driinovation, I'll make a video with included SOC overlay on the way to return the car.
Thanx! I've only had the car for 4 days and consumed so little gas I didn't have the chance to fill up, so I left it at factor 1 (default). I will be posting the video with SOC value tomorrow morning as I'll be able to xuggle it only at work computer. It wont be long though as I've entered the custom PID you (thank you!) sent me, only today
Unfortunately, the developer released a new version of an encoder, which doesn't work well, so I can't post the SOC video just yet. The developers said, that it will release an updated version of the encoder in a few days.
Andi1111, can you start a new thread for Opel Ampera video? I am afraid your videos will be hidden in this Prius PHV owner video thread.