My NV vanity plate is VMLINUZ. Nothing to do with the Prius. To date, dozens of strangers have asked what it means, but only 2 actually knew. Oh, and Nevada owners will know what I'm talking about here... Unfortunately I got my plates just after they switched from the "real", embossed plates to the stupid vinyl plates that look like they should come as demos with Wal-Mart license plate frames.
Mine is a California whale tail plate that says "SAVN RTH". If I had a dollar for everyone who's asked me, "Who's Ruth and what's wrong with her?" I could buy a new Prius since I think mine just got totalled. I wanted COPR TOP but it was taken. Then I thought of PNK BNNY but the hubby said he wouldn't drive it if it said that.
well based on your name and your license plate i would guess you run linux myself, i thought about getting FREEBSD but decided not to. CUTCO2 was trendier.
I see a lot of people behind me at traffic lights point to my license plate: 51-MPG When they ask about it, I say that sometimes I ONLY get 48mpg!
My plate is SIXTYMPG, which I got when I drove one hour each way to work, no heat or AC, 55mph on highway almost entirely. I had considered getting a bumper sticker: MPG>MPH; can your car do that at highway speeds? But it wouldn't all fit and most wouldn't understand the greater than symbol.
Yours reminds me of my wife's former VW Rabbit Conv... IGOTOPLS I wrecked it and after our Jetta replacement we're considering : PRIUSINV... "I go topless" and no she doesn't
Here's a few: I think there was another southpark smug mobile that said, "NVMYMPG" then there's the other side: there you go.