I would have happily purchased my Prius Five with the 15", with the solar roof added. All I wanted was LED headlights, and ATP, and solar roof, which I cannot have because of the 17"s. Could not care less for the size of the wheels. I still get laughed at by my truck driving gun toting redneck friends. 2 extra inches wont make any difference. Oh wait, they do make a difference, in the MPG department.
Of course there are . . . Toyota has started to become notorious for deliberately packaging items in a manner that forces you to get stuff you may not even want ... just so you can get teeny things that you DO actually want. The result? Many buyers simply won't bite. Best example was a couple I know (and work with one of them). They DID NOT want to buy a Toyota hybrid with a sun roof. Forgo the sunroof (Camry hybrid) and what do they screw you out of? You don't get vanity lights on your sun visor. I'm sorry ... but that just about as chicken $h1t as you can get ... having to spend an extra $1,000 + ... just to get a few feet of 20 gauge wire and two 5watt bulbs/sockets ... plus a sun roof you don't even want. In this case, Toyota ended up with a bitter couple, who've sworn off ever buying a new Toyota again. Way to go. .
Is that what people say in Texas? Come on, man... let's not get racist. If you are just joking, that's a lousy joke...
I think your idea of vanity is way off. And I feel sorry for your "old lady" who is obviously not a slob. Ok... I'm done with my criticisms.
I think limited series are a way of boosting sales on a model near the end of it's run, might encourage some to buy now rather than wait for a '15. I would imagine another special edition will be offered for the 2014 Prius.
That's common with a lot of car makers but I didn't notice so much with Toyota. BMW always has their Mtech package of some sort even though the guts are the same. I think now a days, it's hard to package a car to meet everyone desires. These SE seems to be ways to test the market or quickly meet trends?
man...ppl love my post about vanity eh? seems i touched a sensitive spot...that means you're on the fence about "vanity." Lmao
You seem obsessed with vanity and so proud of yourself that you are not vain. I think this is a form of vanity... " having an excessively high regard for one's self".
Perhaps the stereotype due hold some water.. This is pretty funny.. motivemagazine.com - Top Ten Vehicular Stereotypes
Right! just making light of it really.. Persona's are "over the top" but I like mine and glad I got it!