People who trade in an SUV for a Prius

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by mywhitenoise, Apr 24, 2007.

  1. jeromep

    jeromep Member

    Dec 8, 2004
    Eastern Washington State
    2005 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(mywhitenoise @ Apr 24 2007, 10:44 AM) [snapback]429110[/snapback]</div>
    A few questions and observatrions:

    What is the stereotypical Republican lifestyle? How does it compare to the stereotypical Democrat lifestyle? How does one's opinions determine the stereotypical lifestyle they are in? Why should any one of us ascribe to any stereotypical lifestyle? And what happens when my political opinions do not fit my stereotypical lifestyle category?

    Are you aware that hybridization has been a concept that is very old, much older than you or I, for that matter. Something that has been expeminted with for many years and theorized over and over again. Oh, and what about the fact that there are 3 vehicle manufacturers which 2 different systems who are on the forfront of this engineering movement and many others trying to design and tool up for future hybridized vehicles. And consider that the only way all of these manufacturers are going to be successfull in marketing and making a profit at this endeavor is to sell these vehicles to anyone and everyone, not just those with some kind of geopolitical, environmental agenda.

    It doesn't matter to Toyota or any other car company who buys their hybrids or what they do with them, just so long as the collective public is buying hybrids. If the people that have a political or environmental agenda want to drive hybrids at competitive prices, it is up to everyone else who doesn't drive one for some agenda's sake to be there buying them also, becuase there are a whole lot more people with no agenda buying hybrids than there are that do have an agenda.
  2. JoannSolberg

    JoannSolberg New Member

    Jun 22, 2006
    I'm one of those that switched from an SUV ('96 Explorer) to my blue baby. When I got the SUV, I was living in the country and kept getting stuck in snowdrifts in my driveway. We moved, but I still kept the Explorer because it was paid off and couldn't make car pymts. When it was finally time for the Explorer to go (& I couldn't WAIT - had been eyeing up the Prius for over a year), I was thrilled to get my new car. We have taken it camping & can get just as much "stuff" in it as the SUV and the hatchback makes loading/unloading stuff so convenient. I've had it almost a year now and I still love it just as much as the first week :)
  3. PaulK

    PaulK New Member

    Jun 14, 2007
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(mywhitenoise @ Apr 24 2007, 01:12 PM) [snapback]429085[/snapback]</div>
    zzzzzz. Get a life. This is typical of the "L word" types. Instead of ranting, get out there and do something. Wear a sandwich sign on the corner decrying SUVs. Convert yours to peanut oil. Get a job in the climate change area. Run for office.

    But don't rag on your neighbors because you think you are sooooo much more "green" than they are. I bet you have toaster, air conditioned house, light bulbs (all powered by coal, oil and nukey bad stuff), use a lawnmower (that uses some petro product), drink bottled water out of plastic bottles (yup, those Evian bottles are made of natural gas), live under an asphalt roof (yup, that's good old dino juice on your roof), and what about those rubber tires you ride on (oil too)? I don't see you moving to a mud hut doing subsistence farming soon pal.

    Toyota did this Prius thing without Govt interference. We buy them because they make sense. It had to happen one day, that the price of our fuel would create the demand.
  4. Cocoatreat

    Cocoatreat New Member

    Oct 3, 2005
    2005 Prius
    i guess for was never a question to buy a prius.. it was more about when! i bought mine before i saw the movie from my homey al gore... i have always been concerned about mother earth. i recycle, i have newer more efficient appliances, am considering a tankless water heater & solar panels. i buy organic when possible (& available). i combine driving trips. i drive more efficiently (not as aggressive). i read & learn more. i have only once owned a gas guzzler... a gift from dear old dad. but i have never been one to follow the pack. i do it on my own volition. here in sunny south florida, it seems to be suv heaven. so many of those suvs & hummers toting one person inside. do i wish that many would reconsider their needs? of course i do. it would indeed help the environment. but i know that i cannot force my own views on others. i can suggest to those who are open, but its not for everyone. all i can enjoy is that the gas situation has changed many. i dont care if they trade in their gas guzzler for a prius (or other more efficient car) because of the gas..... but if they does make me smile because an effort has been made. when i go to the gas station and see that the previous customer has spent $55-70 on one filling, i feel good inside because i know that amount would cover me for an entire month! people buy what they can because they want or need it. if you carry loads or have an overly large family, it seems to me an suv would be a logical choice. believe it or not..we still have a choice. many prius owners do want to make calls for others. do you remember that notorious "south park" episode? now that was funny! all i can say is we can all contribute in some small way.(whether it be our cars, driving habits, appliances, etc.) and for that .. the world thanks you. :D ;)
  5. PaulK

    PaulK New Member

    Jun 14, 2007
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jeromep @ Jun 5 2007, 08:04 PM) [snapback]456110[/snapback]</div>
    I love my "Pious" because I'm of the "cheap techhie" cult and love to stick it to the A-rabs, who we set up to feed our appetite. Now that the Chinese and Indians are on our bandwagon, oil's up to the point where alternatives make sense. Go nuclear.

    Yup, check this link....Porsche might have invented the hybrid in 1901