<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mystery Squid @ Nov 1 2006, 04:59 PM) [snapback]342182[/snapback]</div> Vulgar, certainly. But not as vulgar as an organization that teaches young men how to drop bombs on children but pretends to think men having sex with each other is immoral. In the movie Apocalpse Now, we learned that soldiers could not write the word f**K on bombs to be dropped on civilians - because it would be obscene. There is nothing more obscene (and vulgar) than war.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mystery Squid @ Nov 2 2006, 10:00 AM) [snapback]342457[/snapback]</div> You know in other countries kissing on the lips is considered revolting, most but not all guys like seeing two girls kiss & make out... But the double standard comes out if two guys do the same thing... I too am tolerant, but I most certainly don't like the idea of it, or even seeing it. A cpl of years ago I got called to a local park in reference to a lewd/ lascivious act in progress, witnessed by 20 elementary students & a teacher . By the time I had arrived the two men were gone. I was there in less than 10 min. The students witnessed two men naked from the waist down and practicing the pelvic thrust. (To put it nicely) We now have a substation in the park to curb those activities...... But gay and straight married men would visit the park, do their business and go home to their wives & families. Instead of behind closed doors where no one would care.. Recently in another city it was on the news they had older men that would crawl under the bathroom stall dividers and say they left their cell phone and look at you or proposition you. In stores and mall restrooms. Again not all Homosexuals are bad people; they become bad when they decide to cross the line (approaching others for relations in rest rooms or on hiking trails ). I believe homosexuality is a choice, same as bisexuality is a choice. The arguments state they know they are gay because they are attracted to others of their same sex. I think it starts out at a young age when a person goes through the experimenting stage and makes their choice as to what road they follow. I also have had gay & bi friends that have state it’s easier to have relations with a man than a woman. Even though they may like women, the men are more ready to do the relations. Than to have to wine & dine and play the head games with some, not all women to get the same final result… I know of one person that is a gay aquaintence of another friend and he hates women He is very outspoken he thinks they are the most vile & appalling things to walk the earth. Again thats his opinion..
If it is a choice, would you find it easy to make that choice? How long would it take you to choose a man vs a woman because it's "easy"?? I bet you wouldn't have to think long about that one! Yes, isn't it great that all these STRAIGHT, married (the wonderful sanctity of marriage) men go and cheat on their wives with men? FABULOUS! Hmm, maybe I should be straight so I can appear "normal" and then get the compasion I really desire without people judging me. And why they do it in public places? Well, they can't very well bring their gay encounter to their home... and my guess is that they don't want to rent a hotel room... they are doing it "undercover", or discreetly as I see online all the time, str8 men looking to play while the wife is away...I guess it is similar to getting a hooker, you go out looking for some whore on the street, she walks to your car and you do whatever... it's dirty, shameful etc, no one is saying it's cool or normal, but it's something that happens in society, GAY OR STRAIGHT! If people didn't have to worry so much about liking the same sex, I bet that there wouldn't be as many guys roaming parks looking for hookups, because they would feel welcomed to have a gay relationship, and could keep it behind closed doors, doors that they share together in peace. Instead they face being disowned by their families, maybe friends, people judging them EVERY single day.... If you really believe that your gay friends chose the gay lifestyle because it really IS EASY, then you don't know them very well... My grandpa even jokes with me about it, and says "maybe you are right being gay, not dealing with women" I laugh because I know it doesn't mean anything. I sometimes joke and say "it's so much easier not having to worry about a wife or girlfriend" I don't really mean it... have you ever witnessed an upset gay man? HAHAHA But really, it's not a choice for me, and it hasn't been easy. I always have felt this way, I always had women fall in love with me, and I never felt attracted to them, or any woman. I have had close female friends, but never had a relationship like I have with the same sex. I didn't know any gay people growing up, in fact, I thought the city I grew up near had NO GAYs at all, until I moved out at 18 and found the internet- then was able to meet people "discreetly" and have coffee, go to gay events that were low key, and I couldn't believe gays lived there... it was then I realized that I wasn't alone, and I could be accepted for who I was- I had always been attracted to men, not women, but thought I was abnormal, thought I had to be str8... I had a close female friend in HS, and we moved in together after HS, and we actually talked of marriage, I thought it was something I had to do, but I never was attracted, or "in love" with her, but she was with me... It has taken many years, but I now HAVE accepted myself, I have accepted myself for who I am. Even though my family had accepted me, I didn't- I struggled with my sexuality because it was something to be ashamed of... but then I realized that not everyone hate's me, and that I could have a loving relationship and be happy! And diseases... The country with the highest population of HIV infected people- Africa. Is that where all they gays are then? No, they are str8 people, spreading the disease! Spreading it to their children, breeding uncontrollably- yet people here AIDS or HIV and think of gays... strange!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(priusguy04 @ Nov 2 2006, 12:21 PM) [snapback]342607[/snapback]</div> A question for you: did *you* "experiment" with being gay before deciding you're heterosexual? Prob'ly not. You just "knew", right? Well, that's how it is for people who are gay, too. It's that simple. As far as intimate relations in public...I don't think excessive displays should be tolerated in public, in any case. Human sexuality is a very, very, very complicated thing -- as we are -- and a certain level of maturity is required in order to begin to understand this, I think. Tasteless behaviour, unfortunately, crosses all political/societal/sexual lines.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Pinto Girl @ Nov 2 2006, 02:43 PM) [snapback]342746[/snapback]</div> Well put seasidetraveler & Pinto Girl. Sexuality is not a choice. If so, why aren't you gay. What made you choose to be straight? We don't choose what sex we are attracted to.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Shane @ Nov 2 2006, 05:49 PM) [snapback]342753[/snapback]</div> That isn't quite true... You just can't lump humanity into one of three categories, we're too diverse... ... there ARE some that choose to be gay... ...there ARE those that don't choose to be gay... ...there ARE those who choose to be bisexual.. ...and pretty much any proportion throughout the entire spectrum...
Frankly, I suspect that there are *lots* more guys out there who are actually gay but are so afraid to express it. I think that's the real crime. Do you have any idea how painful it is when something you just *are* and can't change is so stigmatized by society that a large percentage of the population feels that they have to keep it a secret (or suffer reprisal)? It can really mess with your head when the majority of the world tells you that one of the most fundamental things about yourself -- your sexuality -- is wrong and misdirected. When you watch TV and almost never see aspirational images of relationships that synch with who you are...and when there is so much overt and covert encouragement to pursue a heterosexual relationship. Being gay isn't some big orgy of sex and drugs and debauchery, believe it or not. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mystery Squid @ Nov 2 2006, 03:59 PM) [snapback]342772[/snapback]</div>
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Shane @ Nov 2 2006, 02:49 PM) [snapback]342753[/snapback]</div> I wouldn't be so quick to say that. true, many (maybe most?) just know what sex they're attracted to. On the other hand, there are some who can truly say they made the choice. I have a friend who made that choice. she had dated guys her entire life, and really (and i do mean really) enjoyed the physical aspects. As it turns out, after a fairly long string of bad relationships (the type where things are great in the bedroom and horrible out), she ended up falling for one of her gay friends and "hopping the fence". it's not because she was more attracted to females than males. it was because she was more attracted to that one individual. She made the decision that she wanted to live her life with this one person, regardless of sex. She maintains to this day that she is generally more attracted to guys, but is in love with her female companion. It really comes down to what people are looking for. many people are looking for the physical and know what they want in the physical. A few others care more about other things, and are willing to overlook the physical in order to find what they want. And honestly, i envy my friend, because she is truly happy in her relationship, while many others (myself currently included) haven't yet found that happiness.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Pinto Girl @ Nov 2 2006, 06:10 PM) [snapback]342789[/snapback]</div> Yeah, no kidding... Gee, I wonder why? Maybe if we all had HOMOlogous sex organs, this sort of thing could be considered rather egregious....
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Pinto Girl @ Nov 2 2006, 04:13 PM) [snapback]342789[/snapback]</div> Agreed. But 'choosing' to be something and actually being it are two different things.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Pinto Girl @ Nov 2 2006, 04:13 PM) [snapback]342789[/snapback]</div> Dead on!! Why would anyone "choose" to be something that will get them ridiculed, scorned, and possibly assaulted?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mystery Squid @ Nov 2 2006, 03:59 PM) [snapback]342772[/snapback]</div> Further, at the risk of sounding wishy-washy, I also believe that our sexuality develops as we age, and -- this is *not* the same thing as a decision made on a whim -- our sexual preference can sometimes change, too. Whether this is because we become more honest with ourselves (and we've "been" gay or straight the whole time) or it's a "choice" or "experiment" I'm not knowledgable enough to say...and it does sound a lot like semantics in any case. You're right...we are incredibly diverse. And incredibly complicated. And change truly is the only constant. Sometimes the difference between a choice and a need is indiscernable.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mystery Squid @ Nov 2 2006, 04:23 PM) [snapback]342808[/snapback]</div> Not if you obsess about it in chat rooms, you can't.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mystery Squid @ Nov 2 2006, 04:14 PM) [snapback]342736[/snapback]</div> :lol: :lol: Pinto Grl: A question for you: did *you* "experiment" with being gay before deciding you're choice? To answer your question, I as Im sure others have done the childs play (show and touch game) as a young child of 6, I thought it was normal till I was 14 and found it wasn't for me and chose the hetrosexual route.... Pinto: Do you have any idea how painful it is when something you just *are* and can't change is so stigmatized by society that a large percentage of the population feels that they have to keep it a secret (or suffer reprisal)? No I guess we don't please tell us Pinto Grl.. MS: That isn't quite true... You just can't lump humanity into one of three categories, we're too diverse... ... there ARE some that choose to be gay... ...there ARE those that don't choose to be gay... ...there ARE those who choose to be bisexual.. Well said MS. its a choice, it has been brought up in the past that after the experimentation stage some choose to be gay some choose to be straight the experimentation stage can happen any time between the ages of 5 & 99. what if your a child and some one initiates a homosexual act with you and you do not know its wrong or right and you enjoy the expieriance. You then choose to follow that route because you enjoyed the pleasure. Or we can go farther to say you choose the homosexual route and have relations with a woman and you enjoy that too? then you may choose to be straight or bisexual or you didn't like it and chose to continue to be a closeted homosexual until it was OK to come out.. In the late 80's to mid 90's it was a big deal in H.S. to be Bisexual it was the in thing for some students ( not all but some). The experimentation (childs play) EXAMPLE: (show & touch) can move to other things that could be more involved,
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(priusguy04 @ Nov 2 2006, 06:47 PM) [snapback]342891[/snapback]</div> What you call "experimentation" I refer to as development and growth. Even though we don't use the same words, it sounds to me like our beliefs about this topic are actually a bit closer than anyone might suspect (or want to admit). Generally speaking, I think the human organism acts to fulfill its needs and desires. We're hungry, we eat, etc. Sex is no different...it seems to me that we all gravitate to what is most pleasurable/fulfilling (or however else an individual defines pleasure). ______________________________ Oh, and one more thing. The "please, tell us Pinto" reply to my expression of what, for me and many other people is a tremendously serious internal conflict is an awfully hurtful reply; I'm trying to believe that you didn't intend for it to be taken as such, an hope that you'll prove me correct.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Pinto Girl @ Nov 2 2006, 05:13 PM) [snapback]342789[/snapback]</div> The real crime is that they seek out discrete encounters with other men then go home to the wife and kids. You have no idea how many men wearing wedding rings can be found in certain places doing certain things.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Pinto Girl @ Nov 2 2006, 07:59 PM) [snapback]342898[/snapback]</div> I had a short time of deciding what I was in H.S. I was Bisexual / exploring my sexuality it was plesurable with both guys and girls, however I was a (using the Homosexual lingo) "top/feeder" guy as most guys are in a hetrosexual relationship I enjoyed women & chose the hetrosexual path. So I guess one could say I have experienced both sides of the coin and found it to come down to a CHOICE. I guess it takes a real person to admit something like this, even though it is not looked apon the same like it was back then in H.S. it was a TABOO for both sexes. Again In the late 80's to mid 90's it was a big deal in H.S. to be Bisexual it was the in thing for some students ( not all but some in certain circles) no pun intended B) . <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Rand Reed @ Nov 2 2006, 08:13 PM) [snapback]342906[/snapback]</div> Rand Reed: your statment is very true, a year ago they had a news article in the local paper about a gay HIV+ man that had unprotected sex with 27 straight & married men in a park in three days. He was caught and they where charging him with 27 counts of attempted murder. I dont know what the out come of it was, but its really sad. The headline gives homosexuals a bad name to all due to some would rather play in public. AIDS originally started in Africa or so I've read & has been passed from infected persons through intraveinous drug use, unprotected gay sex & then passed on to the str8 couples then down to the Teens.... Thats where the greatest number of HIV+'s are at least as of last years facts, was the hetrosexual teens. Of course we men do not know what the women that choose to be with other women have to go through due to it is more readily accepted by hetrosexual men as being Hott...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(priusguy04 @ Nov 2 2006, 08:17 PM) [snapback]342908[/snapback]</div> I know several guys who lead a double life - they like to be out in public with wife/gf, but play in private with other guys or even have a bf - some do that with and some without the wife/gf knowing about it. The wives/gfs who know actually prefer the guys "play" at the house to avoid the embarrasing possability of getting caught in a public place. Sometimes they also want to watch or participate. The ones who's wife/gf does not know frequently risk getting caught doing things in a public place. They also usually don't use protection from what I've seen. Those are the guys that give the rest of us a bad image.