Pascal's wager

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by daniel, Mar 18, 2012.

  1. qbee42

    qbee42 My other car is a boat

    Mar 2, 2006
    Northern Michigan
    2006 Prius
    The Internet if full of nasty comments from hateful people, and neither side of this debate has a monopoly on nastiness. Just because others do it is not a good reason for those on this forum to sink to the same depths.

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  2. Trebuchet

    Trebuchet Senior Member

    Dec 21, 2007
    Other Hybrid
    Yeah, about your baseless claim. :rolleyes: I will put up just the 20th century alone against all of recorded theist history and you atheist would come out ahead on the body count.
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  3. qbee42

    qbee42 My other car is a boat

    Mar 2, 2006
    Northern Michigan
    2006 Prius
    Who comes out ahead in the body count is the individual with the most power. Crazy dictators come in all types, but evil is evil. It doesn't matter if they couch it in religion or atheism; in fact it's not about either - it's about power.

    Good people will be good, and bad people will be bad. You can change their labels and call them Methodists, Baptists, Muslims, or atheists, but it won't make much difference. If they are inclined toward evil, and have the opportunity, that's what they will do.

    Human nature is much stronger than any of our human created labels.

  4. spiderman

    spiderman wretched

    Jul 5, 2009
    2010 Prius
    Agreed. Except that I would add that all are inclined towards evil, it is just most are taught and practice self-control and respect.
  5. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    You are demonstrating ignorance of the DEFINITIONS of the word "theory." In common parlance, "theory" means an unproven idea. In science, this is called a hypothesis. In scientific usage (theory of evolution, theory of relativity, etc.) "theory" means a well-defined construct that has passed so many tests and confirmations, and made so many successful predictions, that it is accepted as a well-validated system. Once a scientific construct has earned the title of "theory" in the formal scientific usage, it requires extreme counter-evidence, or an absolute falsification for it to be abandoned.

    Evolution is not a theory. It is a fact. Darwin's "theory of evolution" is a well-tested explanation of how evolution works.

    Evolution takes tens of thousands of years at a minimum, and most species remain stable for much of their existence. The evidence of evolution is written across the rocks for anyone to read. But one human lifetime is not enough in most cases. Bugs and germs, however, can evolve much more rapidly, and the appearance of new strains of the flu is an example of evolution from one year to the next.

    Fine. But until you know the situations, those conclusions do you no good.

    I've been there! It's a beautiful hike to an amazing site. Of course, all the best fossils have already been collected, and all you can do is sift through the debris, and you cannot take anything away. But I did find a few fossils. What you can do is bring your finds up to the top of the site and lay them out for other visitors to see. (See attached pics.)

    You "prefer" to believe what pleases you. With no evidence. I prefer to believe what there is evidence for, and not believe what there is no evidence for.

    See my definitions of "theory" above. Your argument is most utterly specious since it rests on a deliberate misunderstanding of how the word is used.

    In my case, my hostility is a direct response to all the hostility that I have received all my life from religious bigots, and the assault on religious freedom and politics from people who want to impose their narrow, bigoted views in the nation.

    All my life, as far back as I can remember (about the age of five) I've been called a "Christ-killer" and I've been told I'm going to hell, by my peers, who learned that crap from their churches. Religion has been the principal argument for every assault on human and civil rights in the U.S. during my lifetime. Damn right I'm hostile towards every sort of bigotry, including, but not limited to religious bigotry.

    With religious people who are not bigots (which to say all my religious friends) I am not hostile at all, and we are able to discuss theology and morality without rancor. But the Sarah Palins and the Rick Santorums of the world are trying to impose the most narrow, bigoted interpretation of Christianity imaginable on the rest of us, and I will NOT be silent in the face of this onslaught!

    Attached Files:

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  6. Corwyn

    Corwyn Energy Curmudgeon

    Mar 6, 2011
    2007 Prius
    I was actually talking about atheists and theists fighting AMONGST THEMSELVES (as that was what Chuck was railing about). For example, Christians killing other Christians in an argument over whether they are actual or metaphoric cannibals.
  7. Trebuchet

    Trebuchet Senior Member

    Dec 21, 2007
    Other Hybrid
    Ahhhhh, as opposed to atheist who are equal opportunity genocidal maniac's who kill indiscriminately no matter the reason or cause? My apologies. Thank you for raising and clarifying that point. :yo:
  8. Chuck.

    Chuck. Former Honda Enzyte Driver

    Oct 24, 2006
    Lewisville, TX (Dallas area)
    2007 Prius

    I have a problem with the Rev Fred Phelps' of the world as well. Perhaps you are aware one of his sons Nate was abused to the point he left the family the instant he turned 18 and eventually became a speaker at atheist gatherings....I fully understand why his father drove him in that direction. For that matter, similar circumstances drove Madelyn Murray O'Hair's son to Christianity, but I somewhat digress.

    My issues with some of the more outspoken Christian politicians is not so much the lack of subtly, but their example and their their private like exemplary? Is their pro-life stand balanced with workers not getting taken advantage of by corporations?

    But I don't think there are that many here that are foot soldiers for Santorum or Palin - fire and brimstone rhetoric. That goes on outside PC, but since it does not go on at PC, you are behaving as your worst enemies by doing those rants. Different point of view, but exact same methods you are somehow comfortable with. And the type of rhetoric here and elsewhere like a Christopher Hitchens is perceived as a threat that helps Santorum or Palin.
  9. Chuck.

    Chuck. Former Honda Enzyte Driver

    Oct 24, 2006
    Lewisville, TX (Dallas area)
    2007 Prius
    Operative phrase "most of the time."

    Sadly, the message is: "I won't be too bad on you as long as you are a good sport and let us win." :rolleyes: Last spring things nearly escalated because after things settled down you chose to have one last zinger which provoked someone to post a bunch of threads...I intervened to keep it from becoming a major flame war.

    I'll go into my reasons for post #333 pointing out God-bashing here and all over the internet shortly.
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  10. Trebuchet

    Trebuchet Senior Member

    Dec 21, 2007
    Other Hybrid
    Sorry daniel I call BS on this trite, little, delusional snit. I've known many Jews and atheist and none have experienced what you've described above. It's just an excuse to condone your own bigotry which you've condemned in Palin and Santorum.
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  11. Chuck.

    Chuck. Former Honda Enzyte Driver

    Oct 24, 2006
    Lewisville, TX (Dallas area)
    2007 Prius
    On post #333 when I posted there has been a lot of God-bashing on the net by disagreeable atheists - it was because the thread was deteriorating...not so much insults, but the lack of honest reasoning.

    It's rare in an honest discussion that one side is 100% correct and the other is utterly wrong, but that's exactly what was going on in this thread....nearly every reply from the theist side was declared wrong if not stupid, and to make the intellectually honesty more suspect, done immediately. The people that are truly sure they are right rarely say they are always right and say it instantly.

    Even on the chicken or egg question of "did the universe start with simple matter or a creator?" contempt was held on those believing it started with a creator....3rd parties would consider the arguments a coin-toss.

    From inference:

    - Anyone believing in a creator is stupid
    - estimates about 80% (more or less) of the World's population believes in God
    - Therefore 80% of all humans are stupid!

    Is that arrogance or what?
  12. Chuck.

    Chuck. Former Honda Enzyte Driver

    Oct 24, 2006
    Lewisville, TX (Dallas area)
    2007 Prius
    Out in the real world, someone I recently met that came down from Detroit (not the Bible Belt) wished me either a happy Easter or Passover....don't know, but suspect he is Jewish, and definitely appreciated his good will. Later that day, I shared that with a good friend, and we definitely have substantial theological differences.

    I find it very interesting that in the real world and about 20 other forums I don't remotely end up in religion flamewars like PHOP. ;)
  13. qbee42

    qbee42 My other car is a boat

    Mar 2, 2006
    Northern Michigan
    2006 Prius
    Unlike most honest discussions, this one has a binary underpinning: do you believe in an omnipotent god that created the universe? Furthermore, this belief cannot be proven or tested by any scientific method.

    Most honest discussions relate to something that exists on a continuum. For example, which is better, republican conservatism or democratic liberalism? In practice one can embrace the middle and be a moderate. We can also measure economic and social factors to weigh the merits of each philosophy. While not a hard science, it can be measured and tested.

    One could make a similar argument about religious beliefs, but at the core it there is still the central binary issue: Are you willing to believe in something that cannot be tested or proved? Any logical statement based upon that binary decision can be instantly validated or dismissed, based on the listener's view of that binary decision. It doesn't require a lot of thoughtful reflection.

    Given that, it's no wonder that religious threads devolve into "You're wrong! No, YOU'RE wrong! NO, YOU'RE WRONG!!!" No amount of logic or discussion can persuade, once the fundamental binary decision has been made.

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  14. drinnovation

    drinnovation EREV for EVER!

    Dec 10, 2011
    Other Hybrid
    I don't insist on logic without evidence, but when there is no evidence, logic is the only tool left for rational decision making. (If one just wants to just believe as others do, that's a belief not rational decision making.)

    And I provided an example where one can logically draw conclusions without knowing the probabilities, and you refuse to actually answer what you consider the answers and why. You simply "believe" there can be no answer because and its not logical, but you don't even rationally discuss the matter. You continue bring up your beer volcano example, which is about which "religion" you want to choose but that is not the crux of pascal's wager, which is really about finite gain vs infinite gain.

    I'm not trying to prove a religious construct, I'm addressing a question of payoff's in bets that involve infinite quantities. You seem to want to keep it about religions; i want to keep it in abstract quantities and logic.

    You keep saying that without probabilities you cannot decide on a bet.
    Here is a simpler variation of my earlier challenge:

    You get to choose one of two boxes, the cost is 1 dollar.
    a) Box A will pay 0. (i.e. you loose you dollar).
    b) Box B will either pay nothing, or will pay 500 Million dollars. The probability of a non-zero payoff for box B is probability p.

    Please explain how knowledge of p is necessary in making the decision.

    To those that keep saying garbage-in garbage out, which since I have a Ph.D. in computer science, is something I totally understand, please remember that not all programs are transforming data from input into output and that computer programs really don't handel infinity at all.
    You can get good data in and garbage out (both 0 and 1 and 2 are good data bu ask your computer in simple terms which is larger as x-> 0 the term 1/x or 2/x). If you don't ask correctly you get garbage out.

    Now for finite unknowns C and D, consider taking lim x->0 of C/x and D and even though C and D are unknown (hence you might say garbage in) can you answer which term is larger? How about C/X and D/(X*X). These don't need to know C/D to be answered. While terms like 0/0 and inf/inf are indeterminate with the right manipulations you can avoid them and get good answers even with many unknown variables.

    Garbage in referes to Bad data, not unknown quantities.

    And to put this into context, I don't really care about your, or anyone else's religious leanings. I only wrote the poem because because as a Prof I get students asking me questions broader than my classes, and some of them asked me about Pascal's wager. I was working out some of my own issues and as I sometimes do when working on difficult subjects I did it as a poem. I also wanted to take the opportunity to broaden beyond the original pascal's gambit to consider the "only my religion" is right issue that many of the fundamentalists (including one of the students that started the discussion) abuse. I consider pushing one's religious beliefs on another wrong. But a discussion with those that want to discuss it is fine.
  15. Chuck.

    Chuck. Former Honda Enzyte Driver

    Oct 24, 2006
    Lewisville, TX (Dallas area)
    2007 Prius
    I and others are being argued against by those of the religion of non-belief with pre-conceived convictions, who often fancy they are always supported by fact - never assumptions.

    Just like the political topics that are put in Freds House of Politics, a few are obsessed with beating the other side into submission that never, ever, ever stops. Strangely, it's not treated like those political threads, yet it has the same downsides.
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  16. spiderman

    spiderman wretched

    Jul 5, 2009
    2010 Prius
    Cool, another computer nerd.

    So, just curious, what do you consider "pushing"?
  17. Trebuchet

    Trebuchet Senior Member

    Dec 21, 2007
    Other Hybrid
    There's a lot of angry people here.
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  18. Trebuchet

    Trebuchet Senior Member

    Dec 21, 2007
    Other Hybrid
    So any discussion about the truth would be a "dishonest discussion" under your definition? :rolleyes:
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  19. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    Fair enough. It's a free country and an open forum. You can call BS if you like. I call BS on most of what you post, so we're even.

    I always wish religious people "Happy <fill in the blank>" on their religious holidays when I'm aware of them. I bear no ill will against people who keep their beliefs to themselves. And I respect real Christians (those who live according to the teachings of Jesus) more than anyone.

    And I say that when there is no evidence, logic alone does not lead to rational decision making.

    And I provide rational arguments for why your examples do not allow any rationally valid conclusions.

    Because without knowing p you have no way of knowing if there is a significant difference between boxes A and B. If p is zero, then there's no difference at all between A and B. And if p is 1:176,000,000 then there is no significant difference between the boxes.

    Without knowing p, a rational decision is not possible.

    I will admit I do not entirely follow the above. But I will assert that if your inputs are unknown, then there are no outputs.

    Further, to apply any of that to any real situation, you must know something about the actual situation. You cannot even begin to construct a reasoning such as the above unless you know something about the situation you are trying to analyse. You can create "if/then" statements, but without input information, they apply to nothing. You can say, for the A/B box problem above, "If p is 1:1, then betting on B is a good bet." But until you do actually know p (or an acceptable value range for p) then the statement above does not apply to the actual boxes, but just to some hypothetical, or imaginary boxes.

    I started this thread to demonstrate the logical fallacy inherent in one common argument for believing in the Christian religion. I have occasionally digressed when asked why I care about religion, and I have spoken of the damage religion does to society. And I admit I have gotten emotional when discussing how some few Christians use their religion as an excuse to hurt other people or to deny basic human rights to others.

    Someone commented that nobody here as behaved that way, but there are those on Prius Chat who (for example) would deny same-sex couples the right to marry, based solely on a religious belief that god doesn't want them to. That is an example of where religion is hurting people. I've made it clear that I oppose religion when it is used as an excuse to hurt people. That makes me angry. But most of my posts here have been to support my original thesis that the argument known as Pascal's wager is illogical in the extreme since it makes unverifiable (and I would say preposterous) assumptions.
  20. qbee42

    qbee42 My other car is a boat

    Mar 2, 2006
    Northern Michigan
    2006 Prius
    Given this group, that is probably correct.

    I used the term "honest discussion" from Chuck's post, so it's not my term. But any discussion arising from belief is not about truth, it's about belief. Facts can be related to truth, but belief is just belief, and any logic predicated on belief is just circular reasoning.
