Mostly peace activists, liberation theologians, and the Catholic Worker movement. I did a lot of volunteer work at the Catholic Worker house where I used to live, and still support several CW houses. Look up Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin. I also always give to the Salvation Army when they have their bell-ringers out in December, because the homeless guys at the CW house where I volunteered said that the Salli did good work. I've given money and helped out faith-based peace groups, though most of my peace activism was with secular peace groups. I stand corrected that Jesus may have told people to believe in him. But the major thrust of his teachings was about behaviors, rather than beliefs, whereas the major thrust of Paul's teachings was about beliefs rather than actions, and Paul was extremely anal about getting people to believe exactly the "right" dogma.
To honestly state, "I believe in God", requires a simultaneous commitment which is "I have absolutely no way of proving that He exists to myself or to anyone else". This is the purest definition of faith. Or as I like to call it - the shortest distance between points A and B. Every other definition (The Bible, Quran, Torah, Book of Mormon, etc.) are longer distances between points A and B. Each one says there is a God and each one says you must believe in God through faith. If you accept the premise that there is a God but there is no way you can prove it, what if anything does this belief do for you? Since there's no way to prove that God exists, there's also no way you'll ever really know a damn thing about Him either. Everything you've ever been told about Him has been hearsay, at best. You'll never meet Him (not in this lifetime, anyway), never see what He looks like, never read one of His posts on Priuschat, etc. Someone else pointed this out earlier in the discussion. So in a way, The God you believe in will be your own creation.
If that was the case, the belief would be meaningless. Fortunately, for those like myself that have truly experienced God in their lives have all the proof they need. I have also seen dramatic changes in others. Everything I need to know about Him is clearly presented in the book He authored. Fortunately I don't have to depend on hearing... I can read for myself. I have met some truly remarkable people, willing to give you the shirt off their backs and love unconditionally... that is Christ's face. I don't know,,, there are some real angels on this site. Sadly for some... not so much for others.
Where did you demonstrate that? so far I've only seen you dismissing it without providing logic, just assuming that it cannot be done. Not true. One can easily draw conclusions without probabilities. if one can show that for all assignments of probabilities, the conclusions hold, then the assignments don't matter. Actually you assume probabilities are equal, that cannot be proven without data. Only with a large number of observations, which cannot be done before your first bet, could one conclude that its fair. Nope, one can often prove results without a infinite error range. if the state/computation constrain the choices it can reduce the uncertainty of the input probabilities. There is no assignment of probabilities for which choice F produces a positive yield. There is no assignment of probabilities for which choice B yields a negative result. So no matter what the probabilities might be, B is better than F. THere may be times when they are equal, but if there is even one instance where B is better than F, and they are equal in in all other cases, then B is better choice F. if you disagree please explain under what conditions F is better than B.
one of many sources... Myths of Martin Luther King by Marcus Epstein And another... there are numerous folks that commented on MLK during his life as well as after... I am a person that remembers his speeches from the days he spoke them. MLK was a socialist... was he a party member... no... his ideology however was. Those that deny that this day are revisionists... or worse... And another point... MLK was a believer in parity of the races... in the equality of all human life... what he was definitely against was the class society we had in his days while breathing air... and the needless killing of people in wars of aggression... my belief is he was a man that had weaknesses of the flesh as any man does, and an ideology that included more people than excluding them.
In pretty much every post I've made in this thread. Only if you have evidence. In this case, you have none. I only assume the wheel is honest, and I specified that that may not always be a valid assumption; one reason not to gamble! Your entire construct is artificial and arbitrary, and therefore meaningless. I am, also. I think, however, that you and I have different definitions of the word "socialist." Conservatives have begun using the word to describe anyone who supports the (true) Christian ideal of caring for the poor. (Something which conservatives, including conservative Christians, oppose.) Socialism, to me, is an economic system where the workers, rather than investors, own the means of production. If I understand what you are saying in this paragraph, then I agree with it. (I'm not sure how the breathing air part connects grammatically to the rest of the sentence.)
The construction is artificial to better allow separation of the concepts of making decisions about choices even with a lack of information about the probabilities. Casting everything in religious terms can introduce a bias in thinking so I wanted to disentangle it a bit. You said one cannot draw a conclusion without knowing probabilities. I was just proving a logical person often can.
Rumsfeld, the canned Pentagon darling when Cheney & the sock puppet were at the controls, was a master of logic at his press conferences, his formula for successfully getting the press to believe his lies impeccable. "Start with a BS premise," he said, "and then proceed with irrefutable logic from there". Logic is only HALF the equation to knowledge; sound premises make up the other half. You can draw any conclusion you want with perfect logic if you make any BS premise that'll lead there. A conclusion reached at the end of a flawless logical trail is worthless if the starting premise(s) are junk.
That's what I keep trying to tell him. And he keeps insisting that even without knowing the actual probabilities he can arrive at valid conclusions. The odd thing is that he insists on pure logic without evidence, to prove the validity of a religious construct which can only be sustained by rejecting logic.
And even more faith to believe that something capable of creating the universe was created without a being or any kind of intelligence producing that. Fortunately, the sum total of things (matter and energy) in the universe is zero, so that makes it easier (for either hypothesis).
No it isn't. Most of mathematics is artificial and arbitrary, but still of supreme meaningfulness. All he is saying is that you can set up your preferences (based on potential values for the odds) before you know the actual odds. If I am offered two bets, A] where if red comes up, I win $2 and if blue comes up I win $1 or B] where if red comes up I win $1 and if blue comes up I win $5. Clearly, the right choose depends on the ratio of red to blue, but I can figure out in advance for which ratios I would choose Bet A over Bet B.
The God of the Old testament most certainly DID prove himself to people. He didn't expect Moses to believe in him through faith; he provided a burning bush. If he wished for Neil deGrasse Tyson to believe in him, he could whisper the rest energy to 20 decimal places of the Higgs-Boson to him. I am sure that would be sufficient.
OK, find complex things on this Earth that happened from simple that just happened or computers that upgraded without human interface.
Turtles all the way down. Yes, but as you say yourself, you still cannot make a rational choice until you know those ratios. So without that knowledge, all the speculation about which ratios would be good ones is meaningless. What sense does it make to place a bet with no parameters? I'll offer you a bet: You give me $10. If you win I'll pay you $20 and if you lose I'll keep the $10. I'll decide whether you win or lose, and I won't tell you how I'm going to make the decision or how likely either outcome will be.
This is a false claim made by people who do not understand the very wide difference between faith and lack of faith. Faith is belief in the absence of evidence. Disbelief in a god is not an act of faith. It is the insistence on evidence prior to belief. The atheist position is NOT that the universe was "created" without an intelligent creator. The atheist position is that the universe came into being by a purely natural process which science has yet to discover. An analogy: The authors of the Bible did not understand what causes rain. They thought it rained because god made it rain. This was a belief in the absence of evidence. We now understand rainfall. Rain does not "just happen." Rainfall occurs because radiant energy from the sun (a thermonuclear generator converting mass to energy by the fusion of hydrogen into helium) evaporates water from the oceans and other bodies of water, and that water vapor cools as it rises, due to the falling pressure, and eventually forms droplets of liquid water and falls back to Earth. The universe happened through a process that is just as natural. It is a logical fallacy of the lowest order to assert that because science has not yet unraveled that process, there must be a god. And it takes no faith at all (belief without evidence) to believe that since everything in nature has a natural cause, the universe itself probably did also. Whereas there is no evidence whatsoever for creation by a magic man in the sky, so belief in that scenario is possible only by faith (belief without evidence).
Boy, now you're grasping at straws. EVERYTHING complex on this Earth happened from simple stuff: from earthworms to the human brain. Of course, it didn't "just happen." It happened through natural processes. Life evolves by natural selection. Rocks form by the deposition of sediments, or the crystallization of magma, rivers of the most amazing patters form because a droplet of water falls from the sky. EVERYTHING. Comparing watches to animals is a false analogy. People can make things that would not happen without people. But that's no different than saying that rivers would not happen without rainfall. Or that the sun would not shine without hydrogen. Everything has a cause via a natural process, and a human building a watch is as much a natural process as rainfall, albeit far more complex. Complexity arises from simplicity. Always.
^ ....belief, faith, assumption. Bottom line is everybody believes in something they can not prove, including atheists as incredibly distasteful as that is to them. These assertions that simple matter somehow evolved into very complex things including lifeforms without an intelligence and you're ignorant if you don't agree is the height of intellectual arrogance. Scientific knowledge progresses in unpredictable directions. Nobody has all the answers
Nobody has all the answers. But religion just makes things up. The difference between science and religion is that science is ignorant regarding those questions it has not yet solved, but it pursues answers by investigation. Religion CHOOSES to embrace ignorance as a matter of policy, preferring its made-up dogmas over investigation and evidence. Again, while we all believe something or other (I believe, BASED ON PAST RESULTS, that the scientific method is a valid way of learning about the world) the significant difference is that faith is specifically belief that is not based on evidence. Of course you reject evidence, because the religious framework values the authority of long-dead authors over science. But that is the difference between my beliefs and yours: Mine are based on evidence. Yours are based on a very old book, written by people who thought that god was the only possible explanation for lightning, earthquakes, and disease.