There are many account of people that believe it's an encounter with God, hence the ongoing research into NDE. Near-death experience - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[ame=""]Do You Believe In Angels or God? ('VIRAL' Ben Breedlove Flash Card Video) - YouTube[/ame]
First off, "good" and "evil" (or "bad") are subjective terms. Religion loves to use those terms for things it likes or dislikes, and most of us do the same. I dislike cruelty, so I'm very strongly inclined to call cruelty evil. Churches have, traditionally, employed the most blood-curdling cruelty against people who refused to accept official dogma. But I'm sure that Ferdinand and Isabela thought that they were doing good when they had people tortured for not being proper Catholics. The fact that corporations pollute the Earth and governments build nukes to blow it to pieces does not mean that people are inherently evil. It's the result of institutional pressures and a political system that insures that only very egotistical people will come to power. Whether in business, or in government, sensitive people very seldom succeed. It happens, but it's not the norm. So we have economic and political structures that do very great harm, arising from a populace that is not inherently good or bad, but capable of both. Most people lie. But most people also do kind things. Very very very few people are consistently cruel or consistently kind. Most are cruel at times and kind at other times. If you insist on using the terms "good" and "evil," nearly everybody is good at times and evil at other times. (Though most people claim their bad actions were justified for one reason or another. Humans are very good at finding excuses for actions they would condemn in others.) Humans are far too complex to claim they're basically good or bad. But I am aware that Christian dogma says that we're all sinners (i.e. bad) and we must accept a raft of odd beliefs in order to be forgiven the sinfulness we were born into because our thousand-times-great grandparents disobeyed god and ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Think it was AirportKid that said people are basically good. As long as humankind is at risk of killing itself and committing numerous inhumanities to itself, it can't be considered anything other than bad/evil.
People do good things, and people do bad things. That doesn't mean they're intrinsically good or bad.
^ Just observing several weighed in on if they thought the human race was basically good or bad and repeated their opinion several times. In no way was that intended to be nasty - just a suggestion to discuss other aspects of the thread.
Which addresses my question not in the slightest. " Is God manifesting himself to them? Or he just 'there' to be seen? " and I want your opinion Chuck (and other who also believe) not Wikipedia's
I see you are quite an optimist. It looks like "extraordinary evidence" (either way) would not convince any readers of this thread to change position. I have no rabbit in this race. The most important decision I have to make is how to behave throughout my life. It's a distant second of believing what mechanism (or lack of mechanism) accounts for the first decisions. I certainly have them, but enough said there. My reason for posting is that logic is a two edged sword, not a single edge sword.....and if you are using logic to appeal to the logical......then make sure you don't have big holes.
Extraordinary evidence would convince me. If there's a god and he wants me to believe in him, he only needs to show himself in an unambiguous way. Christians (those who believe in proof rather than faith without evidence) always cite all sorts of "evidence" which is totally ambiguous and based on logical fallacies. The Bible is not evidence, it's only testimony by people who lacked the scientific education to rigorously assess their experiences. And the newest parts of it are nearly two thousand years old. And all we have are copies of copies, no originals. And NO copies of Jesus's actual words before the scribes translated them into Greek. There is not even any weak evidence. Just ancient testimony, and arguments grounded entirely in logical fallacies, such as "The world is so wonderful it must have had a creator." I agree with this. And it's why I respect the Buddhists so much, even though I don't believe the supernatural parts of their religion. And it's why I respect people like Dorothy Day and her modern-day followers in the Catholic Worker movement. And why I respect atheists who live a good life. Both good and bad are subjective terms. They have no objective reality. "Good" is whatever seems nice to the speaker; and "bad" is whatever annoys the speaker. That's why we have so much argument about what's good and what's bad. Because the terms themselves have no meaning outside of an individual's psyche. We are born with a powerful sense of right and wrong. It helps us to live as a social species. But the details are purely cultural, learned in childhood, and between cultures they range all over the map. America is a heterogeneous nation composed of many cultures and sub-cultures, so we have a lot of conflict over what's right and what's wrong. Highly homogeneous nations have less conflict. To me, cruelty is bad and kindness is good. But that's just me. Nobody believes their own cruelty is bad, and lots of people, Christians, atheists, and others, do cruel things, nearly always claiming their actions are justified and therefore good. Note: I do not claim to be any better than the next person. But I also do not believe I'm any worse than someone who believes in any of the available mythologies. Believing or not believing does not make a person any better or any worse. But some belief systems urge people into cruel actions, and those are what I argue against.
I'm pretty sure I read your sentence as written. If a person's consciousness continues past death, brain chemistry understanding is not providing an understanding of what is "hosting" consciousness past that point. This certainly not an proof of God (or disproof). This is showing the power of science really comes from what it can disprove, not that it can prove. When an NDE is reported, what can be proved is extremely limited. What can be disproved is quite limited as well. But with NDEs falsifiable theories can be formulated and tested. Something that the vast majority of both sides find "not worth pursuing". Why? I smile because I'm extensively well read on brain architectures and functions. My focus area is the Basal Ganglia, specifically the three way interaction between the Caudate Nucleus, GPe, and STN. Frustratingly, all of this leaves an understanding of consciousness still unexplained, and that's one of the main goals for studying the brain.
Don't think that's very controversial....wars, violence, cruelty is obviously bad - kindness, charity, helping people in need is good....some examples of these acts are clear-cut.
There it is. Only took 22 pages. Godwin's law (also known as Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies or Godwin's Law of Nazi Analogies[1][2]) is a humorous observation made by [ame=""]Mike Godwin[/ame] in 1990[2] that has become an [ame=""]Internet adage[/ame]. It states: "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1."[2][3]