i wouldn't call myself an auto snob, but i have owned enough chrysler/dodge products over the years to know better. after tesla though, having a good buddy at the service desk probably won't feel strange.
The only good product they made (and this was back aways) was the Power Wagon. Everything else leaves something to be desired. I still remember seeing the Chrysler Aspen Hybrid. Definitely a flash in the pan and out of their wheelhouse.
think 500e, i love the classic chryslers, at least you can understand the reason for required maintenance
not my dakota baby! 27,000 trouble free miles. (not counting the myriad recalls, but toyota might be challenging them)
kbb says max $6,500. so i'll probably start around 7500. but she's going back in the barn after the ground freezes before too much snow. we'll probably make a decision in the spring.
I'll give lots of credit to Chrysler for trying different things. Even if my two Chrysler buys (Horizon and Grand Caravan) were disasters. The first had the transmission fall out just as I was exiting my street. Weird feeling to look in the rear view mirror and see parts of your car (bolts) bouncing along the road behind you. The second had a Mitsubishi engine and its valve train was shot at 100k miles. But boy was that van practical. Put over 90k miles on it going back and forth to schools when the two kids were in HS and college. Had a friend whose family survived a multi-rollover crash in a Chrysler mini-van after a meeting with a dear. Over the guard rail and tumble down the bank. She bought another.
Got any other mods done to it? Extended cab too? Maybe instead of the Rivian, I’d buy your barn queen .
nah, that's it. yes, the club cab has the mini doors in back and fold down seating. cramped, but good in a pinch. plastic bedlinen was a dealer option, and it came with heated seats and overhead console. horrible mpg's for a small truck with 6 cylinders, around 18 mpg. at 2,000 miles a year, i didn't care.
Cool...we have a 2009 (Routan version) sans plug as a second car. Same seating probably what you have. We have a big storage bay where your battery is, but we only use that on vacation trips. Just passed 70k miles so a little under 8k miles per year on that car, we do more miles on the Prius, averaging 14k miles per year, but less now in retirement. PS- I am lucky to average 18 MPG, although we can get 22 on a highway trip. So you got me there.
My spouse is like your spouse, wants a Camry Hybrid. But my rule is I gotta be able to fit 4x8 plywood in my vehicle, not that I actually do that very often.
With only two you don't need one...... ....yet. I actually nudged my CFO into a crossover BECAUSE we only had 2. Our usta-van was much much MUCH more practical, but the x-over reduces the urge to quench the palate afterwards with a less practical sedan or sports car. Cross-overs tend to have a slightly higher cargo bay, which is less practical for cargo, but makes for a more ergonomic diaper-changing station.