:lol: I'll bet. You could probably swap our Prius vs. HCH people for the Airbus vs. Boeing people and the posts would continue unabated. P.S. I used to love getting as close to directly under landing airliners as I could, to see if I could feel it in my feet. Some airports afford excellent opportunities to do this.
WOW! Glommed right onto that one! Thanks! I love "global overview" stuff, and am a bit of a weather geek, too. Actually, this is why I put this thread up. I want to get my computer so loaded up with new toys, and my screen so cluttered with new icons, I'll never have to get out of this chair until spring. (Yes, food delivered by my family, a chamber pot and catheter and sponge baths. B) )
wow...very very impressive article. even some things i had not known...Florida has a hybrid HOV lane exemption??
A little heads up on earthbrowser... I downloaded and initialized it, and played with it for a while. Then, when I went to other sites, I noticed my computer had slowed down noticeably (I have DSL). Then, when I tried to show earthbrowser to my son, it wouldn't run---instead I got an error message. Couldn't run it about 10 times consecutively. So I uninstalled it, then reinstalled from scratch. It works fine this time, and my computer isn't slowed down. It's a really interesting program, but I notice it's already gone through many, many "versions" in a brief period. So it's had issues. And with the amount of information it's trying to juggle, no wonder. If it holds up, I'll buy it. Definitely a good, inexpensive Xmas present for a long-distance internet friend, too.
Hummm, I am onna Mac and have never had any speed issues and I think I have been using it for over three years (might have been more) from when it was first released. Most of the updates have been added features or minor tweeks related to implementing the new features -- and updates are free. The only minor complaint I have is that their web site is slow when downloading, but that is not a big deal. Sorry that you had the problems Jack
Oh, heck, I'm GRATEFUL just to learn about it. Conceptually, it's a brilliant program. I can't imagine how (probably) just a few people put it together. Already, I'm enjoying going to the webcams in various parts of the world. I also like running the cursor over temperature-sensing stations, pole-to-pole, to follow the patterns. (For example, it's surprisingly warm around the perimiter of the northern ice cap just now. How in heck will a new, bone-chilling "Arctic blast" just materialize? Fascinating.) So don't feel bad at all! It's a little treasure!
I know what you mean about being conceptually brilliant. All this information is readily available but to think of patching it all together on a globe is the key concept and really makes all the information come to life. (Take a look at the new water temperature feature if you want to see the temperature patterns.)