Liberty, If you are interested in seeing overall #'s for summer and winter, I encourage you to click on my fuelly in my signature. It will lead you to the records which are recorded there. There you can observe the MFD readings as they are recorded in the notes area for each fill up. I began noting that some time ago. To read the notes, simply mouse over the yellow square's on the right hand side of the screen. Also, if you are trying to get the best MPG out of your Prius, you should study the links in my signature. There is a wealth of information online concerning techniques to maximize MPG on the Prius. As stated above, it does help greatly if you allow the system to vent and fill the bladder slowly. You will find over time that the tank consistency and volume will change from summer to winter. Again, this is normal due to the bladder. That is why I emphasized the fact to observe the guess gage and refuel when the gage instructs so. Remember that your mileage will vary. There are many things that cause the MPG to vary. The way I drive our Prius, I average 48 MPG overall. Other's may get higher or lower than that. Regardless, the Prius is still one of the most economical car on the planet and has the lowest of all emissions. Enjoy the ride, and don't sweat the details. The Prius is a very well designed machine. It really is hard to out smart it. Once you get used to the in's and out's of it, you will find it refreshingly different from the conventional car. Ron
Standard Prius with standard bladder. I do however usually go back to the same station with the same nozzle. I do round up to the nearest dollar after the initial click off. No venting.
Thanks Ron, I'll check out the links. I have enjoyed getting to know this car so far, and learning from those with more experience.
Mine will blink at me then I can only get about 7 max into it. I dont know whats wrong with my bladder.... haha but when I fill on hot days it seems to take more? i might just be crazy. I just fill normally and dont worry about it... fill up when it tells me to.
There is nothing wrong with your bladder. It is working as it is designed to do. You will be better off filling up before you get to the flashing pip. And no, you are not crazy. The volume of the bladder changes with variations of temperature and other factors. Ron
I have only filled up 6 times, so I'm pretty new, but when I read this I think, well, most likely there is nothing wrong with your bladder (that just sounds funny), but could there be? Are you in some super cold climate? How much are you getting in with warmer weather? You might try filling slowly. I usually set my pump on slowest automatic fill and stop at first shut off. I would think you would get closer to 9 or so with warm temps. -- Maybe there is some more detailed bladder discussion on here somewhere. Good luck. I was puzzled but have come to accept getting only around 9 gal in, but I don't think I could handle only 7.
If you do some googling of the bladder, you will find all sorts of info on it, and they will all say basically the same thing. The volume changes due to temperature and other factors. It makes calculations of MPG on a per tank basis useless. Many complain about it, but the reality is that it is part of the Gen II Prius and can not be changed. Well, don't be surprised this winter when your guess gage is on two pips and the Prius only takes about 6 or 7 gallons. The volume is radically different from summer to winter. Trust me on this one. With 71 fill up's one would think I would have a good idea of what to expect. Anyway, that's my .02 worth which is not worth much today. Inflation has destroyed the American Dream. And the gov't hasn't helped it either. Actually more than 71 fill ups, I started recording (documenting) mine about 8 months after we bought the Prius. It takes a while to get used to every thing on the Prius. But it is worth the time and the investment. Best of luck to you! Ron
this blip thing was really annoying me. I, like many others, would like it to blink when actually low. Good info here though. I did not know it was supposed to start blinking at < 3 gallons.
For what it's worth, I have a 2008 and I don't recall ever being able to put more than 9 gallons into the tank. In recent years, it's unusual to be able to put in over 7 gallons. I usually average somewhere between 6 and 7 gallons. This bladder idea is terrible.
The car takes care of itself, stop trying to outsmart it. I have found this is the best statement ever made on this board!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My 2008 used to be like yours. Then I took it into the dealer for recall work. When I got it back, it started taking 9 - 10 gallons on a fill-up and making 450ish miles per tank. I'm not sure what happened at the dealer. Maybe they recalibrated something?
I have a 2007, and in the summer I routinely put 9-10 gallons in it. In the winter, almost never more than 8 unless it's a warm day. And it has been getting worse with time ... the reduced range is very annoying, but I guess it is what it is ...
There is a fuel gauge recalibration procedure: Fuel Gauge Calibration Instructions | PriusChat I haven't tried it, but it might help others with apparent loss of capacity.
Is that calculated mileage, or what the car's saying? Could be a factor (besides the bladder tank): Toyota's notorious for over estimating mileage. And when you refill: how many gallons are you getting in?
I have found the computer to be pretty accurate, with the only significant "errors" being easily explainable by the bladder temperature issue. It's certainly a more accurate representation of real-time gas usage than the fuel gage! And FWIW, I'm averaging 45.4 mpg (calculated) over the past 24 months (49,790 miles, 122 fill-ups).
better than im getting. all winter long ive only been getting between 188 and 200 miles per tank. averaging 24-28mpg but here in north dakota it gets to basically 40 below zero most days for 5 months.
winter months this year ive only been able to fit 7 gallons in my tank and averaging 188-200 miles per tank.
The only way to get that poor of mileage is if the heater is constantly on full blast and you are warming up the car. Then it is no longer a hybrid. Just next time you go to fill it up, go slow. Come back the next day and fill it up some more. The extra fuel in there should jostle the bladder enough to unfold. Do you have those flex nozzle sleeve things on your pumps in North Dakota? The ones that create a vapour seal between the pump and the car? If so, turn the pump upside down so that the seal is broken. It pumps more in that way. I've had to do that a few times I filled up in California.
no north dakota does not have those style pumps. they are open sleeve. i usually when i start the car have the temp set to 80 then when the car reaches operating temp i warm the interior then turn the temp down to 74. i also keep the car plugged into a block heater during the winter months with no front grill block as of yet. highway mpg i averaged 33.6mpg on a 200 mile stretch it used all but 2 pips on the fuel gauge. but i also have noticed that my battery stays full on highway trips. usually all the way full or one bar from full. it is odd behavior. i know i need to clean the mass airflow sensor and throttle body but havent got the cleaner yet. should do that today since its 40 out.
It is not odd behavior if the engine NEVER turns off as it is always having to provide heat. In the summer the computers would use battery power instead of engine power so you would have 6 bars. In winter that can't happen, as you need the heat. Grill blocking should help some.