I hear it's worked for some, it's been a total waste of time for me. Oh well- some body is missing out on a great partner....
Hmm, my wife and I met sort of over the internet. I worked for an ISP and she worked for one of our customers. One of their customers had a T1 through us that was having a lot of problems, and I was in charge of everything AT&T(SBC at the time) so her boss had given her my IM name so we could work on the problem. Her boss happened to be her cousin whom I had met and talked with a few times in the past, but I never met or talked to her before, so I had no idea who she was. A few days before we worked on the circuit I had met up with this guy at a firestation he had just finished wiring, it was a new station, so I got a tour, I also had just bought the F350, and I showed it off to him, and I could see the jealousy in his eyes. Anyway, when I was working with her, I mentioned to tell her boss I just added something to the truck, just to egg him on, next thing you know she started flirting, and a few weks later we met, and now over 6 years later, we have 3 kids, and will be married 6 years next February. It was truly love at first sight for us, and we are closer now than we were when we first got married, in fact we liked it so much we married twice. Once for us, once for the family. We learned a lot about each other over IM, got to know each others sense of humor, and quirks that by the time we actually met, it was like we knew each other for a long time, in fact, the moment we met, I took her in my arms, and gave her a long kiss, kind of like sealing the deal so to speak.
I should of looked on here a few weeks ago about this thread. I just recently got divorced and the whole bar scene is not for me. Here is my bitch about online dating, all the woman say the exact same thing in all of their profiles, "I HAVE KIDS, THEY ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF MY LIFE, I WANT AN HONEST MAN, SOMEONE WHO WILL MAKE ME LAUGH, GO FOR A WALK ON THE BEACH WHO IS GUNUINE AND HONEST. I put all that stuff in my profile, and I have maybe contacted about 50 woman, only about 10% replied. Most do not even reply with a thanks for the message, but I am not interested. Growing up, I never struck out, and I am by no means Mr. Universe, but I am not Forrest Whitaker either. I think they go for the guys with their abs hanging out, posing like some jock from HS and wonder why they just got used for a piece of pun-tang. Ladies, if the guy is so wonderful, big biceps, owns his own business, has 3 cars and a big house, why the hell is he single???? The online dating thing is like used car shopping, only thing people look at is a picture. I went on one date after talking to this chick, all she could do was talk about her ex, how he was abusive, and she looked nothing like her photos, I finally told her, "this just is not working out" Payed the tab and left. She looked great in the photos...............from 10 years and 50 pounds ago.
So it's OK for you to base your interest on how SHE looks but not OK for a woman to do the same? A profile is a sort of advertisement. Everyone is trying to put their best foot forward, are even coached to do so. Then, if someone meets you and you don't meet the expectation they have based on that "best foot", you get "disappointed face". By the way, everyone has a different expectation. I've been met with disappointment at 140 lbs, worked out daily, and wore a size 8. Apparently my arms were not athletic enough. I've also been met with absolute delight at 160 lbs, haven't seen the gym in a month and a size 12. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.... how you gonna know?
I don't think there's anything wrong with the fact that for the most part, a physical attraction is essential in wanting to get to know someone. I talked on line with and met, men of all sorts of physical shapes and sizes and who had occupations ranging from blue collar to CEOs of companies. And for me, there did have to be something there physically for me to want to get to know them better. Along with that something, I looked for someone with a healthy outlook on life, the ability to deal with their own baggage and a good sense of humor. It doesn't sound to me that the gal Gasitman went out with was able to get past her ex. That and her physical appearance not matching her profile photos, which really is pretty dishonest, would be huge red flags for me. Who wants to move forward with someone who rehashes the past so much that they aren't comfortable with who they are today?
Now that you mentioned it, I know a lot of women (These are casual acquaintances, not my friends with "benefits") who have gone through the same thing I've also seen it first hand, from what a very nice fellow in our office has gone through. This fellow is a genius at systems integration, but is socially inept to the point of tears, awkward in public, and - I'm trying to be charitable here - "homely" Yes this guy has a heart of gold. He would stop on the street to pick up a sick kitten, rush it to the vet, and get it well again - I have witnessed this. Always a positive attitude, very nice to be around once you get him out of his shell But, what about the ladies? They avoid him like the plague! Some heartless witches even smirk as they walk by, no doubt on the way back to their place to get smacked around by their biker boyfriend So it really is a two-way street. You get what you give. And payback is a mo..... you get the idea See above
Hey! What have you got against bikers? We're not abusive, at least not anymore than the rest of the general population at least. It sounds like your "homely but nice" friend needs a little confidence, and a friend or two to hook him up with a nice girl.
I only have a problem with the dirtbag bikers We have tried, oh have we ever tried ..... I get "numb equipment" just from riding a bicycle for 5 mins
Kirstie Alley once pointed out that Harleys have a certain vibration that is much more important for women than men... Tom
My Prius can do the same thing. Especially on the right roads... Like on the way to Tahoe up Hwy 50. Boy that was a fun trip!
Online dating, in the spirit of the season ...... Email me, Mariah, I'm your boy! (at first, a little creepy, but then I started to laugh...)
Of course not. For example, you're very sweet. Which explains why I see these women in summer, sitting on their Harley's, which are idling in their driveway. They don't even bother putting plates on the motorcycle Works for me