thanks man, it is the perfect car for me. i understand your situation tho. tonite, 68 degrees, i made it to work and back without recharging. first time since last fall. would i like more ev miles? of course, who wouldn't. hopefully the next iteration.
Here's my stats for the year, starting 3/29/12 through 3/26/13: Odometer: 12892.1 EV miles: 5285 HV: 7605 Gallons Used: 142.35 (calculated, based on Fuelly stats) KWH: 1415 Average fuel price for the year in NorCal was $4.06 (based on when I fueled up anyway). I have solar panels, so I'm in the lowest price tier in CA, which is $.13/kwh. Unless my Google spreadsheet wizardry is wrong, this gives me stats of $.077 per mile HV and $.035 per mile for EV, or a total fuel cost of $770.33, $585.35 in gas and $184.98 in electricity. Further comparing against my old car, a 2008 Civic LX, I would have spent $1483.18 during the same period factoring in same average annual fuel prices for the time period & same total miles. This provides me a saving of $712.85 annually in fuel from the PiP. I paid a net upgrade price of $29,525 to the PIPA, so based on this, it will take me 41 years to see the upgrade cost make sense. LOL. If HOV stickers are extended through 2018, this means I pay $374.79/mo (Difference in price 29,525-$4036 fuel savings/68 total months of HOV) through 2018 for the privilege of driving in the HOV lane. Ouch! I save ~ 1 hour a day due to HOV, I work 20 days per month, so apparently I value my driving time at $37.40/hr! Hopefully the math is right, and someone finds these numbers interestingl/informative.
My car's anniversary was on April 5th, are there any plans to make a party to congregate all 1 year old ones?
Here's my first-year stats: 18,477 - Total Miles 6,328 - EV Miles (displayed amount) 12,123 - HV Miles (displayed amount) 365 - Days (12 months) 574 - Recharges (based on capacity replenished) 239.9 - Total Gallons (measured at the pump) 1,721 - Total kWh (including charging losses) 1,505 - Total kWh (displayed amount) 77.0 - Lifetime MPG 50.5 - MPG (HV) 27 - kWh/100 miles Year 2 is proceeding well. It's finally spring, so both EV & MPG are climbing. It sure is nice hearing reports from others now.
Here is the efficiency breakdown of the two fuels and the combined composite. Electricity: 4,838 miles / 32.5 gallon equivalent (15% charging loss added) = 149 MPGe Gasoline: 3,596 miles / 54 gallons = 66.6 MPG Combined Composite: 8,435 miles / 86.5 gallon equivalent = 97.5 MPGe
Electricity: 5,497 miles / 42.5 gallon equivalent (15% charging loss added) = 129 MPGe Gasoline: 2,965 miles / 52 gallons = 57 MPG Combined Composite: 8,464 miles / 94.5 gallon equivalent = 90 MPGe
Per EPA, you should get 95 MPGe for the first 11 miles and then 50 MPG onward and combined composite of 58 MPGe. You are beating EPA estimate by a long shot, all year long. Your normal commute is like 13 miles right? Including the very long weekend/vacation trips on gas, your annual figure is very good.
yes, 15 mile commute, all ev. from now thru fall, one or two hv trips a week 50 - 100 miles or so. very few in winter which probably helps hv efficiency. thanks!
Electricity: 5,285 miles / 48.3 gallon equivalent (15% charging loss added) = 109 MPGe Gasoline: 7,605 miles / 142.35 gallons = 53.4 MPG Combined Composite: 12,892 miles / 190.65 gallon equivalent = 67.6 MPGe Majority of your miles are on gas so the combined composite leans toward it.
Electricity: 6,328 miles / 51.1 gallon equivalent = 124 MPGe Gasoline: 12,123 miles / 239.9 gallons = 50.5 MPG Combined Composite: 18,477 miles / 291 gallon equivalent = 63.5 MPGe EPA predicted (based on statistics) that on average, PiP will be 28% on EV and 72% HV at 58 MPGe combined composite. You have 34% EV and 66% HV resulting in 63.5 MPGe combined composite. Mighty impressive with Minnesota winter.