I had my dog buried in Redding in 1999, nice pet cemetery there. Casket and stone marker, he deserved it. At least in Redding your Calif plates don’t get noticed and an opinion put on you. We all got our stories.
And? Statistically speaking, three out of four is 75% Actually, county by county MOST of the Golden State by area might not be as ruby red as you might imagine - at least not yet. California locations by voter registration - Wikipedia. California has something like 16 million people crammed into just three three coastal counties - so yeah. Comparatively speaking all of the other parts of California are sparsely populated and slightly less blue. San Bernardino is the largest county in the United States. It's larger than 13 US States (give or take a DC or PR) and larger in population 15 of them. Compared to some of the other 57 counties in the Golden State, San Bernardino county is probably cosplaying Mississippi, but they still get drug along by what's happening in Sacramento County even though the latter is much smaller in terms of size and population. AND San Bernardino county isn't exactly ruby red. Neither, for that matter is OC. All of this is because Los Angeles, San Diego, and Orange county determine what's happening in Sacramento County. Again, the OP states that there is ONE advantage to living in Texasass. Fact Check: True. The only reason California springs immediately into the discussion is that they presume that they are the center of the universe and their declining population. That started happening at a GOOD time (2020.) It will be another seven years before the next census -
There is that they again. I live in Kali so I don’t just read about it. I got some riviera neighbors. I live in a very quiet area near the ocean. Very few cars in the streets . People with bucks have been buying houses and they just come and stay weekends. Not moving out of here, moving in. Take a look at Redding on your wiki list. Look at the percentages of no party affiliation stated statewide.
Even during the worst property price crashes - Coronado continues to rise. But it's a freakish anomaly. You don't say what Beach area you are in or near - but having lived in every Beach Community from Manhattan to surfside, & Redondo & Seal Beach ... the traffic getting in & out is pure hell .... because when summer comes along everybody comes there in the morning & blows out of town towards evening. The other ½ of the yr isn't so bad, but once the weather starts to warm you know what's coming. Still, nothing beats SoCal beach front weather .... some, if not THE highest price gas in the nation ..... because gas pricing is one of the few things that the feds allow price fixing. Logic being if you can afford a 7 or 8 figure home, &/or $5K+ monthly rent - then yea - you can affort $7/gallon diesel for yer MB. South OC .... i used to jokingly call it the "center of the universe" - mocking some of its self-absorbed life style ... a negative trade-off against its many man-made lakefront waterways - guarded & gated planned communities. View attachment 250711 pleasurable .... yet Ecclesiastes 1:2 meaningless ...... chasing of the wind but it beats Texas humidity by miles .
Not around there, just say North of there by a good way. SC is a world in itself. Every type of person that exists is in Calif, so I don’t know how all this grouping started except for political talking points. It’s so easy to see how constant repetition of falsehoods works on people.
I think his 'center of the Universe' comment was more referring to himself and our fellow friends in red states down yonder. He probably just realized there's more beaches in California than the ones he mentioned as well.
California population continues to shrink - CalMatters (I usually do not cite Stanford because they're so conservative buuuut....) California's population drain | Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR) @ beaches..... Ranked: 10 Best Beaches In America In 2023, According To Dr. Beach I've been to all of these except #7 and #9. (Maui, Kauai) When I was working for Uncle we did some optical oceanography in #5 and #6 so these were multi-week working visits. Coronado is OK but the water was BAC and bacteria count was a 'thing.' I didn't need a wetsuit for that trip so I wasn't bothered by the bugs. If you want to hate on Texasass and frankly many people do, there ARE some disadvantages to living in the Lone Star State: Congressional reapportionment from the 2020 Census resulted in Texas adding two new congressional districts - so there are two more Congress critters in that state. Also: Texasass isn't quite as Texasass as they used to be.....
Even California wants to secede from itself : So Long, California: Major County Votes to Study Secession (usnews.com) San Bernardino Votes to Secede from California, Form 'Empire' State (newsweek.com) Northern California has long had their fill of the "California Dream" and been lobbying for secession from California for years: Secession talks emerge in one Northern California county. Is a new state a possibility? | The Seattle Times The State of California’s ‘State of Jefferson’ - The New York Times (nytimes.com)
Their Governor doesn't seem to want to stay...... Newsom 2024: could the California governor be a rival to Joe Biden? | California | The Guardian Is Gavin Newsom running a ‘shadow campaign’ for US president?
He has no chance of being elected to any National Office Newsom Humiliated By Disastrous Budget Report One Week After Bragging About California's Economy (townhall.com) "Meanwhile, during the much-anticipated nationally televised debate with Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) last week, Newsom boasted that California “has no peers,” bragging about its booming economy." "California is facing a fiscal crisis with a record $68 billion budget deficit under the leadership of Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA.). " California violent crime skyrockets as arrests plummet | California | thecentersquare.com New data shows Californians' fears of increasing crime is justified - CalMatters
Seems I've heard that before. More than once, actually. Given our last two picks, my belief in the voter's ability to reject people who are OBVIOUSLY not qualified for the job has been shaken up just a little bit.
Opinion pieces about opinions don't mean anything. You don't live here, I do. Your gaslighting won't work. Like I said earlier on in the thread, the only ones who left either died or were radicals moving to Red States as a knee jerk reaction to a horrible governor and his tyrannical policies. The state still has 40 million people, a couple hundred thousand at best isn't even a dent. I actually like Texas, lived there in fact..would go back when California gets to the point where I cannot stand it anymore. Sadly for all parties and both sides, this will never happen in our lifetime. It's been talked about for several decades. If SUPER RED Eastern Oregon and Idaho couldn't pull it off then Cali ain't splitting nothing. OMG I agree 100%. Never underestimate the power of large numbers of stupid people who show up at polls. We've seen it happen as you've mentioned twice since 2016, and I'm sure it will happen again with a smooth talking psychopath like Newsom. That is, unless you're like me who believes they are all selected ahead of time and voting is just smoke n' mirrors.
I know, right. We can agree on two things. 1. I do not live in California. I've worked there for up to a month at a time, on several occasions and the last time I left that state I packed with EXTREME care so that I would not leave anything important enough to delay my departure. I don't have to use banalities like "I'm sure it's a wonderful state...." because I've been in all four corners and most of what's in between. I know better. 2. We both agree that Hairdoo McGungrab is not exactly 52 state electable for the same reason that his 'acquaintance' living in the US Naval Observatory isn't - only he's slightly more popular and slightly more articulate - which is fundamentally different than being intelligent. Gavin has too much dirty laundry, and not just at the French Laundry, AND he's a hothouse plant. He cannot survive politically outside of the SoCal despite his current politically adept maneuverings. You can get away with shouting silly things about population patterns and the local economy there but sooner or later real people using real math are going to catch up with him. The only reason he wasn't beaten 'like a drum' following his recall was the fact that Big Donkey carpet-bombed the Golden state with nearly enough money to finish your high speed rail boondoggle AND the Republicans managed to find somebody zanier than Gavin is. Besides....California is going to have to become much more dysfunctional before their Democratic supermajority is eroded by math, demographic shifts, etc...etc... You can think what you will about your population increasing or decreasing. Just remember......facts don't care about your feels. See you at the polls. Or.....do you still bother?
Facts don't care about your feelings about a state you know nothing about, you're right. Won't see me at the polls...I'm one of those odd ones who thought our last guy before Biden was way too liberal, almost Communist (as seen during the pandemic). They're all selected, your electronic voting machine box checks don't mean anything, it's all to give you the illusion of making a difference. Nice assessment of Newsom, very much spot on..but like I said, 'stupid folk' will have his back..I mean, the current guy tallied up 80 mill votes stumbling off Airforce One.
A good number of people leave Calif for one reason. Their house is worth a fortune and paid off because they bought it cheap, and these other places they can get a nice house and keep the rest of the money. There is the irony, why are the houses selling for so much? Because people don’t want to live in Calif? Again, Calif is populated by a wide variety of geography, people, and life styles. It isn’t a they.