Animal I agree with many of the things you said. I have talked with and read many postings on the web from Prius/Hybrid owners that have an attitude and outlook that rubs many people the wrong way, and I think these types do more damage than good.
Only a couple times have I had to actually confront somebody due to my Prius. Oddly enough, both times at a gas station, once a pickup cut me off to get into the pumps, another time an suv cut me off I'm built like a gorilla - ok, except not hairy - so when I got out of my Prius, the color drained from the face of those scrawny, middle aged, balding guys who struggle to lift the pump nozzle. I growl at them, they bugger off But if anybody thinks that driving a Prius will somehow make them immune from a crisis, think again. Another huge natural disaster, or economic collapse, and all those suv's and pickups out of gas along the road will have a surprise for the Prius driver I predict if the Prius driver purrs on by, they will be carjacked and shot. That's not saying anything bad or good about Prius drivers, just an unfortunate reality of our messed-up culture. After all, when the evacuation at Charity and Tulane was started, civillian snipers took shots at medivac helicopters and ambulances. There are seriously messed up people out there In an emergency or disaster, I'd plan to keep as low a profile as possible. Hide the Prius in a garage, out of sight of the general public. I'd especially keep an eye out for Hummer H2/SUT drivers, the ones around here are sociopathic f***** up deranged losers
The faster the price of petroleum rises the faster we'll transition to non-fossil alternatives. $100 per barrel is barely enough; $150 or $200 would be good.
While I am glad I own a Prius and can enjoy its fuel economy, these recent gas prices make me sick. This recent run up has actually happened fairly quickly. Much to quickly for people to respond to it. I feel sad that their monthly fuel expenses have increased hundreds of dollars per month. Those dollars are either increasing their debt load or taking away from other spending that helps the economy. Dumping all that money into the oil companies hurts everyone. (except the oil stock holders)
One of my coworkers (who drives an SUV) said that if gas gets up over $4 per gallon, he's going to start riding a bicycle to work (~8 miles each way).
The one good thing about the rising gas prices is that hopefully people will not be on the road as much. Hopefully more people will be getting out of their gas guzzlers and buying smaller vehicles, or carpooling more. My 08 prius replaces a truck (14mpg) that I owned completely... The truck was being used after my 04 prius was totaled (still mad about that)... For my daily commute: at $4 a gallon it would cost me $24 a day to take the truck VS. $7 a day to take the prius. What is sad is that I am spending less money monthly on the prius (car payments + gas), then I was spending in gas alone for the truck. Am I happy to fill my tank at current gas prices - no. But I am no longer as POed about it.
Thats exactly my experience so far angelfish. My Prius just went over 2000 miles and all is well. The car payment on the Pri plus gas is so much less than the small car payment on the expedition plus a whole lot of gas. Cost per month --car plus gas is so much lower now that I am saving over $400 a month before adding my wifes savings. probably $200 a month savings for her. Thats money I didnt have to spend on anything that was spent on gas! Imagine what $4 a gallon would do to that number! And around here Hummer drivers are usually either rich kids or trophy wives or arrogant businessmen. They drive like mad people but most young people seem to be positive about my car choice. I've given rides and tours to several hot young women so far. I do it for the community! :biggrin1:
Points well made and well taken ... and yes, I'm guessing the OP simply didn't articulate (as I often do) as perfect as possible for each/every reader. The whole "holier than thou" point was made fun of about a year ago, on the "SouthPark" show, where the Prius was called a "Pious" ... and instead of Smog allerts, there were "Smug" alerts ... clouds of toxins created by all the smug Pious drivers. In their own crude way, the writers satarize many relevant issues. Perhaps the SouthPark writers will some day focus on the "other side" ... those in giant land bardges, who look on Prius drivers with disgust, ... as they spew fowelness that steriotypes our reasons for buying our cars. Most us us bought 'em simply because we can't stand buying any more fuel than necessary, fuel that comes in large part from countries that long for the day that western culture is wiped off the face of the map. Or, perhaps I'm the only one who continues to hear, "I don't care if gas goes to TEN dollars a gallon - I'm not selling my (you fill in the auto's name)."
Wow, I didn't intead to incite such controversy. I guess what I was trying to say is that if the prices are going to keep rising I'm just satisfied that I've made a better decision than 99% of the other drivers out there. It makes me feel good that I'm no longer driving a 350Z and getting only 15 mpg. I was not trying to be a member of the "holier than thou" club, I don't like them either (they hang out at Peet's by the way).
Yeah, I'd go with that. 1) I get some comfort that I made a good decision. 2) I think some other people may have made decisions that they now regret. 3) Yet, I have to acknowledge that shooting yourself in the foot is supposed to hurt, that's how you learn not to do that. 4) I'd even go so far as to say that most people don't (and really, can't) make logical decisions about much of anything when it comes to major purchases, so for many, economic pain is the only motivator for change. In keeping with the "holy" theme, it's a "love the sinner/hate the sin" kind of a thing for me. Far more effective to help those sinnin' SUVers see the light than either to say the sin is OK or to chuckle over their torment.
The only consumers I laugh at are the ones who think their gas guzzling vehicles are better than the Prius as they speed past me @ 10+ over the posted mph. Their choice! However, I sadly wonder about those who cannot afford to purchase a Prius and have no choice but to grimmace at the fuel pump.
my father just bought a 08 navigator! I just found out today, what the hell I told him! I guess it doesnt bother him because he has the money to play. It's pretty nice truck, but holds 33 gallon's and 16mpg..crazy I told him why buy an SUV to drive around town in? why not corvette or something? You mightaswell if you are going to spend that sort of money..corvette is very nice. he drove my prius and likes the car, but he himself would never own one, he has nothing but road car, now navigator, before these a large 88 caddy
everybody has choices...........people choose to be successful, some choose to make money on the other side of the law. while driving my 06 caddy sts with a client and spent 50 dollars on gas and NOT selling any properties, i realized that i was only kidding myself. got the out on the lease and IN on the prius. i am proud of what i drive.......and i am proud of the fact that i now own a 2008 toyota prius........that gets 50 mpg..........why shouldn't i smirk at the gigantic SUV owners that choose to dig into their 401K retirement funds to feed these monsters? everybody has choices........... we prius owners (at least the majority of them) are NOT here to berate or chastize SUV owners, we simply think, GOSH, I'M glad i dont have to pay so much for fuel..........GOSH, i'm glad my car is more economical. I like pulling into gas stations to get a bottle of water, or a box of mints, something to much on, then pull OUT WITHOUT buying gas..............i'm happy, we're all happy.........what's wrong with that?????? :flame:
The problem here is that his choice to pollute more affects everyone else. It's almost like chosing to smoke in a closet full of people. You're not just killing yourself. Maybe you could try to help educate him on that. Then again, you could end up like me and distancing yourself from those friends who simply do not care and are vocal about their selfishness. In California this kind of selfishness or ignorance is affecting more than just our lungs. "Physical / Statistical and Modeling Documentation of the Effects of Urban and Industrial Air Pollution in California on Precipitation and Stream Flows"
i feel bad and good. i'm not happy that it costs more and more for me to drive the same distance each week. but i am relieved that at least it's the least-cost option available today. the decisions we've made in the past 3 years or so, have been about best use of our money to save us in the long run. i feel like the prius was a really good decision in that line of reason. i know people who burn through a couple hundred a month in gas, and that really sucks. that money would be far more beneficial to them and to the economy if they could spend it somewhere other than the gas pump. also, going into substantial debt for 4-5 years to save money on gas (assuming someone drives a paid off car) is usually a bad idea if you're struggling.