True, I face this dilemma all the time, old car that needs major repairs vs getting new car. I find it difficult to drive an older car with deteriorating paint, worn interior, rattles, and soon to have more failing parts. Although mechanically still running good, it’s just not very enjoyable to drive anymore. I chose to reset the clock and start from new again, you only live once
There are other factors involved. If the car is in good condition, putting in a new hybrid battery is worth it, same with the brake accumalator, or engine. If a none hybrid car needs a $5000 transmission, but the rest of the car is fine, it's worth it. But if any car is rusting away and everything is failing, then it's time for another car. It doesn't have to be a new car. A 2 year old car is fine, and most of the depreciation value is gone. And of course it depends on how you want to spend your money and what you can afford.
I do have a mechanic that my husband and I have had for years, he replaced/fixed the strutt assembly for half of what my dealer was going to charge. I had been staying with toyota repairs because 1st my warranty and then when that was up not sure why I kept going back. I just paid for the new intake manifold (ouch $) but I will never go back to Toyota. I am taking my car to my regular/faithful mechanic on Monday to see if he recommends replace or repair engine. That will be my cheapest solution and I trust him. The Hybrid battery is still working great so it may be beneficial to keep the car a little longer as long as it does not become a money pit. I will never bring my car into Toyota for anything going forward, I will get the jiffy lube oil changes when my mechanic suggests it be done (frequency) and be thankful my car is still in good shape. New engine = almost new car.
I hear you! But, DO NOT GO TO jiffy lube! Or any 10 minuted oil change! You never know what oil they are putting in your car. If they actually changed the oil filter. Or if they tightened it. Same with the drain plug! I worked at a Hyundai dealership for a few years and we made a lot of money replacing pistons and short blocks and engines because of the jiffy lube places. Since you trust this one guy, it will be worth it to wait until he can change your oil. Are you able to change it yourself? It's not really hard. I just finished changing mine! I turned 239,000 miles this week. Are you saying you need a new engine? How many miles are on it? You have a new intake manifold, but was the EGR Cooler cleaned? That's very important. It will help prevent a head gasket failure....
Still stands. But when I see someone about to step in front of a fast moving bus, I have to say something...
changed mine this morning, had 14,000 miles on it. It finally started burning oil after near the 175,000 mile mark. I’ll move on to a lower zddp after this oil is changed.
After looking at blackstone oil samples of various oils fresh from the tap for years, below is the oil that I will settle for 5K OCIs.