If you don't want to change your oil yourself (I don't because of recycling hassles), I'd recommend going to the dealer. I've taken my Prius to Jiffy Lube, and they overfilled and caused issues....ultimately resulting in getting a tow to the dealer afterwards. That oil changed cost me about $140.
Probably because as long as you have the time you might as well rotate the tires (assuming you believe in that, see other threads on tire rotation for theories about rotate/not rotate), and if you jack the car up you can do the tire rotation while the oil is draining. If you're only going to do an oil change then ramps are fine.
There is nothing inherently great about Toyota oil filters, other than the fact that they say Toyota on them. There are better (and worse) oil filters out there. Walmart is a great place to buy oil, filters and oil changing tools.
I buy my oil at Wal-Mart. I can usually buy one of my favorite 2 synthetics Castrol or Mobil-1 in a 5 quart jug for about $22. Thats a lot better oil then the crap pumped from the barrel at the oil change garages. As far as filters. My opinion is that the best valued filter is the Purolator Pure One filter Its about $6 at Advance Auto Parts (they mostly only sell Fram at Wal-Mart and they are junk). But if you want the best filter get the Mobil M-1 Filter Usually costs about $10 - $12. People seem to forget that usually you get what you pay for and that certainly also includes oil and oil filters.
Lower ground clearance than my C5? That's why Wal-Mart sells the extra long composite service ramps for $20. They will allow any vehicle that has not been lowered to drive up them. Z's, Vett's, Vipers, and anything else low that you can think of.
Um, not if you're just it up by *ONE* wheel at a time like the document outlines. I do rotate my own tires but I have to use two jacks for front to back but only one jack on the center points from left to right. I would never *EVER* climb under a car that is jacked up up with a screw type or hydraulic jack. It's dangerous and they do fail. Every service and owners manual tells you not do this. You must use jack stands or service ramps if you're not using a lift.
I've been buying my oil at wal-mart (used to be Costco) for the last few years now because of their 5 qt price. It's much cheaper than the case of mobil 1 at Costco now.
I Love you...you love me...we're a happy family...with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you...won't you say you love me too? 5th grader
Driving up ramps can be a little tricky. I don't use them, or a fancy jack. I changed the oil and filter this past weekend (at 124,000 miles), and I just raise the front of the car 4-5 inches using the basic jack that is stored in the hatch. Not safe for getting under the car, but I just need room to stick my arm in to loosen the drain plug (14mm), and the filter, using an adapter on a 3/8" socket with a 3" extension. The only other items I need are a drain pan and a funnel. However, I have read john's oil change document and found it very good.
Im moar intrestead in the actule content then the corectness of the spellnig when Im raeding a post hear, dont you think? I thougt rascal post was fine. We cant all be super geniouses!
I use a ramp because my driveway is slanted downhill, so with a ramp the car is level and the work is easy. Never been back to the dealer since I purchased the car 25K mi ago. I will take it in for the coolant change because I don't have time. I don't change oil to save money: it isn't really much cheaper to do it myself. But I take the opportunity to eyeball everything and make sure it's all copacetic.
Question from a new owner. Reading the warranty does not make it clear...can you change your own oil or take the car to an independent mechanic or are you forced to go to a Toyota dealership under the terms of the warranty?
You can change yourself or at an independent mechanic. Just remember to document your maintenance book and save your receipts.
I actually have an in ground lift in my garage, so I don't have to worry about jacking or ramps. I've always been a do-it yourselfer. And have restored several cars. Have my own tire machine, spin balancer, air tools etc..........so I'm all set there. As far as oil filters go........ For all my cars I get them by the case from NAPA. They are WIX brand filters, with NAPA labels, as far as I'm concerned, the best there is. I went through the maintenance BS with several other dealers before. Way back when we bought our Subaru, it was in for warrantee work, when they pointed out I had missed the 30,000 mile maintenance. They wanted $185 for a whole list of things. I pointed out several of the items I just did, and certainly didn't need a tire rotation as I had a week earlier put on 4-new tires. They still wanted to do everything for $185.........no compromise. They threatened voiding my warrantee as well.............. One of the reasons I never went back to them, went a little further to the next dealer, who took care of me fine.
I got an oil change for my new Prius at about 3200 mile using regular oil/filter at Jiffy Lube. I want to bring in my car for the 5000 mile interval recommendation at Toyota along with a tire rotation. I want to purchase Royal Purple and use the OEM oil filter for the change while getting my tires rotated. Do Toyota dealerships allow another synthetic oil even if I pay for a regular oil change? I want them to put 3 quarts in and save a quart later to fill after I did an extended drive and waited 30 minutes before checking the oil level. So....are the Toyota dealerships open about adding a synthetic oil they don't normally recommend or have in stock, if the customer pays for it? I changed my own oil and rotated my tires for 20 years but living in a condo prohibits this practice.
I would just do it myself if I were you. Find a friend or family member who doesn't mind you changing your oil in their driveway. When I lived in an apartment building that prohibited work on your car I would sneak out when I knew the office was closed or go to my in-laws home.
When I bought my Prius I took advantage of the free oil changes for life from the dealer. It cost me $500 but in the end I plan on having my car longer than $500 worth of oil changes.
I change my own oil in all of my vehicles since I started to drive plus it is 60 miles to nearest Toyota dealer. Plus I can change it faster than taking it to a quick lube type place and I know it done right. I bought my oil filters at the dealer and they keep track of the filters that I buy for the car plus I save my old filters. I bought 7 oil filters and 4 washers the day I pickup the Prius. The "deal closer" and part salesperson told me that they are funny about other brand of oil filters, I know about the law about aftermarket parts but they sell me the filters for about $5.00 each about the price of a good aftermarket filter, so why fight that issue. After 5 months I have 4 filters left. I use Mobil One oil in all my gas engines. Be sure to recycle the oil.