Mid-April and they're snowmobilin' out he'ar (spellchecker: it's right the way it is...leave it like that)
^ So they chase this moose 'till it finally stops and stands it's ground. Likely near exhaustion. And they're upset when it turns on them. No patience or sympathy with them. At least they didn't shoot it.
According to our local newspaper, the Portland Press Herald earlier this week, the Maine Warden Service is doing an investigation on the New Hampshire couple as it's illegal to chase or harass wildlife in this state. Additionally, it turns out the snowmobiler's wife, the one taking the video, was carrying a pistol based on a New Hampshire concealed weapon permit--which is not recognized in this state. Hopefully, the newspaper/tv media, will do a follow-up on this story. As Mendel stated, at least she didn't try to shoot the animal. (She did fire it into the air though).