I needed one also. I called the dealer to check the price of a new one, about $80. He put me on hold for a few minutes and came back to tell me he had some used ones from owners who changed wheels. Sold me one for $15.00.
Wow, I thought my caps were going to break when I tried to take them off last week. They were on pretty darned tight. I followed the directions in the manual and still took a lot of force to pull off. I don't think that cap was properly attached at the dealership. The other alternative would be that someone happened to have been looking for a Prius wheel cover and took yours, but why they would want a Prius wheel cover, is beyond me! I even left mine off after I cleaned and waxed the wheels, because I couldn't fit my torque wrench socket through the cap access. That would have meant prying the caps back off to re-torque the bolts after 100 miles. It was a pain taking them off the first time, and really didn't want to repeat the process in a couple of days. In any case, I would definitely ask the dealership if they would consider getting you one. It's a new car, and shouldn't have lost the cap. Make sure you check the rest of them!
Unfortunately, this is not practical with a Prius because the TPMS sensors are not "self learning". Thus, winter/summer tire change overs will be rather costly because the dealer would have to re-enter TPMS ID's with each change over. Many other vehicles have self-learning TPMS systems.
No need to use the TPMS with the winter wheels. I just lived with the light for the time I had them on. No big deal, I just checked my air pressure every weekend.
Richmond is far enough south that winter (snow) tires are not necessary usually. Only if I decided to move between A/S and Summer tires, and that is unlikely knowing myself. (I took the Christmas lights down one Easter!)
My cover fell off while exiting the NJ Garden State Parkway. Luckily the toll guy saw it and fetched it for me. The dealer put it back on when and suggested I get an extra one for $40. While waiting for the repair, I did notice that the 2012s seem to have a black spacer on the cover. Does this hold the cover in place? Would 2012 wheels work better on my 2011? The technician did not think they would work better.
I'm not sure what you're referring to, but the 2012 have black alloys so that might have something to do with it.
Couldn't wait to take the wheel covers off our new baby. Stayed on only 2 days, then off they came. The center caps I ordered will be delivered today, so no open hole in the middle of the alloys.
I have 4 new ones off of mine that I was thinking of putting on eBay, but since I'm in Richmond and your in Richmond maybe I can sell them to you instead? 1 for now and 3 spares.
I've had my 2012 Prius II for 3 days and discoved the driver side rear hubcap missing. Trend...? The dealer sounded like I will have to foot the bill for a replacement...but after 4 days seems like perhaps it wan't connected correctly? Are there others out there with similar stories to tell?
I found a crack on mine within the first week or so of ownership. No scrapes or anything so they could tell I didn't hit a curb or anything. Brought it to a local Toyota dealership (I bought mine at Carmax) and they replaced it for free. I would press for them to replace it, 4 days is ridiculous! Unless you have damage to your tire I don't see how they could charge you for the loss.
Dealer wont replace them. A lot of members here somehow hate them so why not just, I do not know -ask?! Just pay for shipping, problem solved. UPS does pre-paid shipping labels, print and send the label so the person can ship the wheel covers back to you.
i guess i just disagree. i hate the wheel covers and love the naked wheels, but its all a matter of what YOU like