Good review except the part about charging. A level 2 charger should be about twice as fast as the 110V plug.
trade-off is that us old fogies find it harder & harder to 'squat' down to get into a sedan, versus slide across a drivers' seat that's pretty close to rump level. That was the appeal to get our plug-in minivan, & the appeal of getting a RAV4 Prime, for us ... not having to climb upward to get out. Now .... if only we could find 3 feet tall toilets somewhere. .
Dad is about 5'6" now, and my Prius is very difficult for him. His Outback is much better. (Passenger side only, he doesn't drive anymore.) He used to be over 6'2" ...
I'm looking at a RAV4 Prime vs a Prius Prime for this and other reasons and test drove them both last weekend. I prefer the smaller size (including turning radius/etc.), the position of the speedomter/MFD, and insane deals ($5,500 cash back currently in the NE region) on the Prius Prime, but just about everything else was nicer on the RAV4. I'll need to cart my parents around a bit in the near to medium term, so I was also looking at ease of getting in and out of the passenger seat. The one thing I was shocked about, is that as someone who is 6'0", I found it easier to get into the passenger side of the Prius than the RAV4. You can not lower or adjust the seat on the passenger side of the RAV4 Prime SE, and I found I had to duck my head/bend my back more to get into it than the passenger seat of the Prius. I "luckily" hurt my lower back the day I was test driving which helped "simulate" someone with reduced mobility. This seemed kind of crazy to me!
I have a current generation Rav4 and a PriusPrime. The Rav4 has a sloping windshield that makes ingress and egress a little tight especially for tall people. Definitely more difficult that the previous generation Rav4. That said, the difference in height of the seat off the ground is huge, making it much easier to get into the Rav than the Prius. So neither one is ideal, but the Prius is much more difficult.
For US - nothing had more of a sloped windshield than the Prius V. We loved the cargo room, but the better ½ said bending down past the entry was not gona happen. Must be nice to have absolutely veto power. Funny how it's so different for everyone. .
Charging .... It's actually ~7-10% higher than simple division equals 15.1kWh .... accounting for AC to DC conversion losses - then DC back to AC - plus temperature variables, etc. Yes - 15.1kWh usable. But it takes more to get to your usable. .
The peak of the roof of the Prius for 4th Gen was moved to over the front seats so that helps with a tall door opening. In addition, it results in a tall front window glass too for great visibility.