Observations During Trip To Glacier NP

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Main Forum' started by DoubleDAZ, Sep 12, 2014.

  1. Dave14Prius

    Dave14Prius Member

    Jun 2, 2014
    NE Missouri
    2014 Prius
    Thanks for the reply. I did GTTS about 35 years ago in partial fog, and got to do it again on Sept. 12 and 13th this year. We were going to do Beartooth Pass on the way, but weather changed our plans. We did Beartooth two years in a row 10 years ago. I was blown away with GTTS, but that was my main reason for the trip. I would do either again if not too far out of the way. I took the 2012TCH instead of the Prius for the extra room, but I'm sure the Prius would have been fine. My TCH got 42.44 mpg on a 4400 mile trip from Missouri to Glacier and back.
  2. DoubleDAZ

    DoubleDAZ Senior Member

    Jul 2, 2014
    Peoria AZ (Phoenix)
    2014 Prius
    Weather has a way of doing that. :) Fortunately for us, weather was only an issue for photos the day around Hungry Horse Reservoir. I had no issues at all with the Prius over GTTS or Beartooth, though I do need to be less heavy-footed going up hills, etc. I kept the CC at speed limits, but when slowed by another car or truck, I'd try to get back up to speed rather than just taking it easy until getting to the top. I also did quite a bit of passing on 2 lane highways, often reaching speeds above 85 mph. Speed limits in Texas, New Mexico and Arizona were 75 (even some 80), so that also had a negative impact on my overall mpg. My goal was to drive the Prius like I did the van to see the worst I should be able to expect. Now that I know more about the car, I think I can start doing some things a little differently to get better mileage, though I have no complaints at all.

    Oh, and don't get me wrong, I was duly impressed by GTTS, but it was more about Glacier NP than the highway per se. And my response was probably more subdued than I intended because I've driven so many scenic byways, including the Bavarian Alps in Germany and the autobahn through Switzerland, so it's hard to be increasingly "awed". :)