I suppose you are "Lucky" that you did find a note, and your car was still there, instead of sleeping with the fishes at the bottom of the lake!
Re: Note left on my windshield today Thanks for the clarification. No doubt the truck driver was frustrated by the situation, but fortunately Bubba relieved it with a unique note. On the other hand the note maker might have been a super model and my stereotyping Bubba is making the same mistake.
well your right tree hugger and parking infront a loadin zone is strange but then again your a sarah palin supporter.... thee party was it not?
Well, it is either dumb or nasty for someone to build a loading dock in such a way that they must use someone else's property to access it. Especially when the other property is across the street.
Re: Note left on my windshield today You are not unusual, not sure why people are thinking otherwise. There are many non-liberal Prius owners (look at some of the environmental threads here in FHOP for proof of that). Although if you are asked to move your car once a week, it probably is kind of in the way more often than that, requiring a little extra jockeying. One reason (besides saving money or liking the gadgets) a non-tree-hugger would own a Prius could be why ex-CIA chief James Woolsey drives a Prius. From James Woolsey - Interview - Motor Trend
It is definitely a humorous note. I do wonder how they came to choose "Dutch Elm Disease" as their curse. Just be glad it was only a note now... Who knows what could happen next time. Perhaps a dent or keying... Is it worth it to park that close to your building? Maybe you should park on the sidewalk
Jayman can. If you disagree, just go up to Winnipeg in January and talk it over with him. I'm sure he'll be quite reasonable.
If it had been used in a heated argument, I suspect it would have triggered a warning. Back to my context and emotional intensity behind the word. So I have both an opinion and an *******
Yeah... I have this little daydream/fantasy thing about meeting Jayman in person... me, this short little round woman, and him, this huge, bald, muscled dude, and then someone has to grab a crowbar to pry us apart... *blush* Yeah, okay... never mind.
so they have front yard loading and must come into your driveway,across the street, to straighten the truck before backing in?