This gentleman refers to 10 - 15 miles more per gallon but that is predicated on the type of driving one does. For example my Rav gets a 25mpg combined and on highway about 29.5 but local goes to about 21. Most of my driving is local and thats the killer so I'm closer to 25 than 30 mpg. Every time they compare the Prius to any other vehicle its always highway comparison. Only u know your driving habits but this site really gives a realistic comparison Fuel Economy. Gasoline can only go up.... So when people say they can buy a non hybrid and put the savings on gas, that extra cash may not really be $$ in the bank.... just a thought GOOD LUCK WITH EVER CAR U PURCHASE
Honda Accord 19-29 mpg with 22 average $2785 for gas per year Toyota Prius - 48-45 mpg with 46 average $1328 for gas per year Using $4.08 for gallon of gas. It's $4.50 here. Using the side by side comparison it will cost twice as much for gas for the Accord. This doesn't take into consideration maintenance or resale value. The Honda also puts out twice the amount of carbon.
dude, the accord costs the same as the prius, but doesnt offer the versatility of a hatchback. The auto starts at 21,160, while the prius starts at $21,500. Not much of a difference here.
Godiva, Do you know how long the wait list is in KM? I'm waiting in Escondido and it's taking foreeeeeeeeever. OP, want to be a Silverado V8 for cheap? (sunroof included!).
Hube01 Sorry you soured on the Toyota hybrids, but (as you can see here) timing is your problem. I told you(privately) a month ago to find out who was selling at only MSRP (or less) & to get on their wait'g list right then or you'd be sorry. Things aren't any different in CT for the Honda Civic Hybrid either (the dealers have wait'g lists for them too). I don't know the price situation for the Nissan Altima Hybrid or if they have wait'g lists for that as well. Brick (back in post #14) is somebody I sent to Balise back when he lived in CT & he became a very happy customer of theirs. His good fortune was due to his good sense of timing. I have a name & phone ext of a manager at Balise who would like to talk to you to try to smooth things over & maybe be able to offer you some help. He wishes he knew who hung up on you too. MSRP is about the best price you can expect to pay right now for a Prius. You lost out on those $2,000 discounts about a month ago around here. You should never buy a car expect'g it to pay you back (because most never do), but a Prius bought at only MSRP should be able to do that for you before long (at these & future gas prices & the way they retain their resale value---just look at what they're asking for the 2007 Priuses in Hoffman's pre-owned inventory). By the way, Jay, see my response in your other thread. Ken (in Bolton,Ct)
yes, like godiva said, base model. I am sure you can find some prii for MSRP. But last year, you could have bought one for 2-3k under msrp if you negotiated well, 0% financing. That might difficult in the future, but they should still go for a couple hundred below sticker in the future once production ramps up.
minkforce1, No, he's not troll'g & he's NOT stupid or ignorant. I KNOW him & he's just basically pissed off that his financial situation & his poor timing caused him to miss out on the short wait'g list & deep discounts of just a month or 2 back. He's also been rudely treated (as many of you may have also been) by most of the Toyota dealers he has visited or phoned. It's a shame that dealers like he's seen will spoil Toyota's corporate image for them. I wish Toyota would get tough with their bad dealers. Ken (in Bolton,Ct)
We who got our prius' 3 or 4 years ago, didn't have to to pay 1,000's over msrp, because demand was lower. So was demand on world fuel supplies. Think of it this way ... in another 3 or 4 years, when world fuel demand is more critical, and you're paying $6 or $7 a gallon, don't look back at the oportunity to save as much fuel as you could have, if you'd have chosen the Prius. You want to talk "rude treatment" ?? Go down to you GM land barge dealer. Tell them you want top dollar for your 14mpg atrocity ... now THAT's rude.
Not to mention that the Prius retains its value over a longer period of time... What I don't gt is why come on a Prius board and announce you weren't getting one?
Exactly,,, Elmhurst Toyota in Illinois has 2 used Prius for sale, a 2005 and a 2006 both package 6 and both have over 50,000 miles, each one is selling for 27 grand and 28 grand. The same price just about as a brand new 2008 package 6..
If you want a hybrid Camry or Prius and don't want to pay over MSRP hold off till early next year Feb / March when gas prices historically are at their lowest. Not only are the first few calendar months of a year slow for the car business, but the American public will quickly forget about the price of gas if it has a seasonal drop.
Hey, Hube01, Look at the fuel cost comparison that Godiva posted [in post #23 (& re-quoted in hill's post #33)] for your intended Accord versus the Prius & you'll see that in 2 to 4 years time you'll save enough on gas to make the $3,000 to $6,000 difference in purchase price between both the cars a non-issue. That 2 to 4 years will be shortened even more as gas prices continue to rise. I also tend to agree with Godiva (in her post #16) that your sun/moon roof will eventually develop water leaks & become a liability instead of an asset. Also, with the Prius (as I've told you in private), there is almost no maintenance required. The oil/oil filter chg's & tire rotations you can do at your work place on your own time & save even more that way (as long as you keep your receipts for the oil & filters for proof to keep your warrantee in force). And I know you can chg your own cabin air filter in 5 minutes & the engine air filter in 2 minutes to save there as well (keep those receipts too). With the Prius you won't need a brake job until probably well after 100,000 miles. You will have to pay a little for maintenance when you reach the 60,000 & 120,000 mile marks though. What will you have to spend on maintenance for your Accord over the same time period? Now, GODIVA, When you were shoppig for your Prius in Nov 2004, my local dealer already had such a long wait'g list (because he was one of the few in our area that was sell'g for just MSRP) that they told me if I ordered one that month from them, that I wouldn't see my Prius until Feb 2007 (it's a good sized dealer, but they only got 2-3 Priuses a month). I ordered at a different MSRP dealer in Jan 2005 who jerked my chain for 6 months during which time I bailed from them & ordered through an out-of-state MSRP dealer (mentioned by brick in his post #14---he got his better price than MSRP because he bought a year later when the Prius wasn't in as high demand) who got me my EXACT car in only 6 weeks. Jay (Hube01) has been in contact with the same 3 dealers (plus others), but the whole Prius game has chg'd drastically in the last 2 months for him. I don't think he ever tried to buy a high-demand car in the past, & he's just venting his dis-satisfaction at what games the dealers are now play'g. Speak'g of games, what's with the Prius lottery (in another thread) where you might be the 1st one to have asked for a Prius from that dealer, but because he won't put you on a wait'g list, you might be the last one to have your name drawn (or maybe not at all)? That doesn't sound the least bit fair (except to the last one in---who might be the 1st one to have his name drawn). Ken (in Bolton,Ct)
Interesting stuff.....almost all of the posts in the Newbie forum lately have been from people describing the woes of trying to acquire a Prius, waiting lists, premiums, etc. I think that now is, simply stated, not a good time to buy one. Period. There is a lot of panic buying going on and driving up demand, hence price. People who were not in the market for a new car and might not have been for several years to come were taken by surprise (and yes, I agree, we all saw or should have seen this coming, but many failed to pay attention or had their collective heads hidden in the sand.....or elsewhere!) are now scampering to car-lots wanting to trade Tahoes and F150s in on Fits and Yarii and Prii. It is in some respects a false market or demand. I lucked out, cannot claim clairvoyance or extreme wisdom or foresight, it was a combination of a small amount of that and a large bit of happenstance where I was planning a trip, the car I was going to drive got hit by an 87 year-old driver in an F150 who "couldn't see" me and was in the shop being repaired, I'd been thinking about and looking at Prii for about 18 months, and decided that now was a good time.....this was in December of '07 and there were lots of Prii on the lot, a good selection of colors and option-packages and all were discounted roughly 1500 under sticker. I think it was a nice window, with the benefit of hindsight, but that window is now closed for an indeterminate period of time. If I were truly in need of a new car now, I'd be looking for something with moderately good mileage and reasonable price, hope to bridge the gap until more fuel efficient cars become more readily available, and just try to wait it out as best I could. To the OP, enjoy the Accord and don't get turned off on hybrids, they'll be back on the market at competitive prices again one day.
Sounds like a honda is the car for you. It is a free country so you buy what you think is best for your financial situation and happiness.
I lucked out too. Last November, my old '96 minivan was in need of some major suspension repairs and was just eating too much gas. Glad I went to the best hybrid in town...the Prius! My aunt is still in the waiting list with no word at all from the dealer as to when they will have one available for her.