I could be wrong but the usA weapons are so advanced compared to N Korea and I'm sure all the targets have been identified this could be over quickly. But if China gets in this well WW4 Sure Kim does no care about global stock markets but the free world does. This may mean an isolated occurance may develop into a global one at least with backing. The wild card is China. How will they react?
U.S. Navy - Global Force for Good. Have some floating air bases in the region w/ the SAG and see how NK responds. Also if Kim hides underground, The bunker busters or the MOAB will tend to find them. DBCassidy The U.S. IMHO. needs to lean on China to get NK to back down from this escalation. DBCassidy
Those two generals with padded looking flying saucer hats are wearing them because they are full of fake passports and money. The two guys with the French Foreign Legion looking hats aren't prepared.
China has a vested interest in keeping this US vs NK conflict simmering as long as possible. The longer NK consumes some of the US's attention and resources, the more it helps in China's own march up the ladder as a world superpower. I don't believe NK has much fear that we would attack them if they stay quiet. The ruling dynasty needs this conflict in order to keep its grip on power.
It's a Fact China's GDP will overtake the USA while Obama is president. They are also increasing there defense spending. Ponder the world in 50 years
If NK does launch something terrible, it wouldn't need to lob anything into the US. They know too well that to massively disrupt the western economy, a few nukes landing on SK and Japan would do the job nicely. SK alone produces enough high tech goods for the entire world that not only the western global economy would fizzle, but layoffs and international business income losses would pretty much topple the entire western economic game plan. Meanwhile, whatever might survive in NK would just keep moving at its normal pre stone-age pace, since they seem to not rely on western tech for much.
North Korea are full of hot air and insignificant. Why all this 'publicity' on tv lately? Have North Korea suddenly found oil or something? Hate to say it, but America never seem to be interested in despot dictators unless their country has something America wants; usually oil. Leave North Korea to their 1930's sanctuary and ignore them. They'll soon starve themselves away.
Hope So. The only thing that bothers me about the DPRK is that they're not going to keep eating rocks while their rich southern neighbor gets bloated on selling consumer electronics and automobiles to the rest of the world. It kind of reminds me of another nation that kept threatening to kick over a weaker southern nation in the late 80's. Me? I'd fly to the ROK and tell them that we've already done the "love thy neighbor" thing with them and the other kids on their block. Thrice. If they want 35,000 US troops guarding their northern border then they're going to have to start paying a fair market price for it. We can still honor our treaty obligations to them.....but they're rich enough now to pay us for it. Besides...if there's a border that US troops ought to be guarding...I can think of one that is just a little bit closer. Just sayin! If the DPRK has indeed fueled their liquid propelled rockets then this brings up another question: How long before they have to do a coin toss and de-fuel or fire them? Liquid fueled rockets aren't like the solid rocket kind, You put fuel in them right before you launch them because you HAVE to. You can't just keep them gassed up and ready to fly. That's why we gave up on that "technology" like.......50 years ago. I'm not staying awake at night worrying about this for 2 reasons: 1. Their leader has a pretty poor track record when it comes to telling the truth. 2. They have an equally poor record at hitting anything but the ocean with their rockets.
A simple error, mistake could get the ball rolling to a ugly conflict. This needs to be avoided. DBCassidy
I used to work with a kid who's mother was an immigrant from S Korea to California. They have family is South and North. He said in the North people just worry about eating. His family grew potatoes in the rural part to just eat. The south is a different world. For awhile they had some cross border visits. The people saw how good the southerners lived they just question in silence what is wrong. Unification is a long time in coming. Many we're hoping the new leader would bring positive change but that is unlikely.
NK will continue to rant but at most they will do is jab at SK, like sink another ship or something like that. The question is, how long will SK put up with it?
Do you think he's just a puppet leader? It always looks to me like the Generals are pulling the strings. He went to Western Schools didn't he? So he'll know that reunification would be marvelous for the people of the North, but the crazy Generals want things as they are.
This says he spent one year in Switzerland at an English speaking school was a Good student and liked basketball. He was watched by his security team very closely Kim Jong-un - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia He is very young but his nations future lies in his hands and not some old generals.
NK has the means, with conventional arms, to make that 'jab' catastrophic to SK, killing millions. If only we could be assured they would actually stay there and not share the casualties with the outside world.