^ We have capabilities. If you want a guarantee? Buy a toaster. Everybody always screeches about defense spending until the fit hits the shan, and then…..they start to worry about capabilities and boots. Frankly.....I'm not always on the same side as the folks in the White House, and I think that James the Boy Wonder Carney is just about the least capable press secretary that we've had in about 100 years. Also....the "leak/non-leak" was about as sophomoric a gambit as I've seen in YEARS. However (comma!) the current Administration has hewn a fairly tight row in this fracas. They've taken measured, deliberate steps where and when they've needed to be taken, and they've resisted the normal human urges to let the tail (or, in this case the a$$) wag the dog. I may have to bump my CinC's ferign policy grade up to a B+ Me? I probably would have been tempted to put inert ordinance right in the capitol plaza in Pyongyang, maybe even knocking over that goody big statue of Kim's grand-pappy. Maybe a note in 한국어/조선말 telling them that the next one won’t have just a three pound marker charge in it…. THAT's why they don't give release authority to clowns like me..... Let them keep doing what they're doing. Kim's Birthday is Monday, and they'll probably fire one of their Ding-Dong-2 rockets....then they'll all probably go back to harvesting tree bark for their holiday feast. SSDL Same Stuff.....Different Leader.
I assume after such an official release - that the intelligence knows *) We see only the top of an iceberg. *) at least I hope...
... arranged an earthquake in Japan? Wth? Perhaps next time on Kim's headache they'll create a Solar eclipse..
I like the general direction the Obama Administration is taking of being firm without overreacting. Diplomatically, I would like to see China to throttle down their lifeline to NK - not to topple the regime, but to get them to abandon being a nuisance. Can imagine if I were the President, venting to my staff about The Deranged Leader in a way if it was ever leaked, it would go viral on YouTube.
I agree China and the USA need a unified response to NK. Think of NK as a child and both parents (China & USA) confront the child with one message. Cut the rhetoric, stop investing in weapons, open up your economy and start making stuff
I'm trying to hold judgement until the facts come in, but it's style is evident from you know who. The FBI will do the due diligence and advise.
This coordinated terrorist attack was no doubt accomplished with more than one person. If it's entirely domestic as the one at the Olympics and Texas was, then we will see the death penalty employed in their sentencing... if it is another islamofascist attack on innocents, we will find them... then the places that they gathered before the killing fields were unleashed should be torn down so they cannot regroup and redeploy to again target people that are not harming anyone.