"Do you smell that? Napalm son, nothing in the world smells like that! I love the smell of Napalm in the morning. It smells like victory!" Col. Kilgore DBCassidy
Think of how much money China would lose if NK decided to start torpedoing ships entering and leaving SK. Virtually every item traded between the two countries is via ship and goes right past NK. NK torpedoed one SK ship already in March 2010 using a midget sub. I'm hard pressed to see how sinking ANY ship by NK does not adversely affect China.
On the US-China relationship? As I said yesterday (North Korea... | Page 13 | PriusChat), NK's silliness is doing the US-China relationship a lot of good.
CNN said the missile launcher that NK threatens the USA, Japan and SK was Sold to the NK from a Russian company. It is the same technology that is in Russian subs. Maybe we need to get Russian and China Support to stop selling military equipment to NK. Than this problem goes away
As we draw closer to this event all that could comes to mind is Major Kong played by Slim Pickens in perhaps one one of the best movies ever " Dr Strangelove" YouTube
Probably not very....although if they are very well maintained and very VERY skillfully operated in home waters, then the Romeo and Whiskey class SSNs would represent something almost close to a challenge in terms of detection and elimination. Elimination more than detection depending on how active the DPRK is trying to do the ASW/ASuW thing. We're talking about boats that were marginally effective back when the Korean conflict got started. Like......six decades ago... Still....there's not a whole lot of radiated plant noise from an SS that's properly rigged for "Ultra-Quiet." Until they have to uncork the snorkel mast and charge the batteries that is... THEN they make enough noise to shake rust off of a screen door! So...no. I don't think that the DPRK's "not-so-silent-service" is going to be much of a factor in this episode.
When I first saw Kim's thumbing through some papers with a incorrectly marked paper map on the wall and the funny looking old generals, one of my first thoughts was how much more advanced the war room in 1964 Dr Strangelove was. I really enjoyed Dr Strangelove when I came out. It helped that I saw it on a USAF base in Turkey a couple of months before my enlistment was up.
As Rude person's has just mentioned on another thread that he met Margaret Thatcher, I should point out that I once saw Kim Jong-il in Zhuhai. It was very weird.
"Mandrake, 1948 the biggest Communist threat to mankind. Flouride is introduced to our drinking water. Did you ever wonder why, Mandrake, I only drink rain water or pure grain alcohol? Violation of our precious bodily fluids" Gen. Jack D. Ripper DBCassidy
Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney, 4/12/2013 James S. Brady Press Briefing Room 12:25 P.M. EDT (....) Q Thank you, Jay. I wanted to ask about North Korea and developments that emerged after the briefing yesterday -- reports that North Korea could have weapons capable of delivery by ballistic missiles, even though reports said the weapon itself might be unreliable. How much of a concern is this to the President? And given the unpredictable behavior by North Korea’s leader, even if weapons aren’t fully developed, is there a danger that this guy could actually act on something that’s not been tested? MR. CARNEY: Well, first of all, I want to be clear that North Korea has not demonstrated the capability to deploy a nuclear-armed missile. The United States continues to closely monitor the North Korean nuclear program, and calls upon North Korea to honor its international obligations. So I just want to be clear, out of -- in response to your question, that it is our assessment that North Korea has not demonstrated the capability to deploy a nuclear-armed missile. To your broader question, we have responded to the series of provocative actions as well as the stepped-up bellicose rhetoric emanating from Pyongyang by taking a series of prudent measures to ensure that our homeland and our allies are defended. That includes steps to enhance our missile defense system as well as a variety of other measures that we’ve taken and that have been reported on. So we take this seriously. It is, as I’ve said in the past, reminiscent of past periods of provocative actions and increased bellicose rhetoric. There is a pattern here that we have seen in North Korean behavior, and this is reminiscent of that pattern. But there is no question that this is a situation that requires the United States to take the necessary prudent measures, and that’s what we’ve done. (...) source: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney, 4/12/2013 | The White House
Inside North Korea: Video and photos show true horror of Kim Jong-Un's evil regime - Mirror Online
Just saying that our leaders need to think beyond today. If the intelligence says they do, don't, may, or do but it's not reliable that is not good enough. How dangerous will NK be in 5, 10, 20, 50 years from now? The only country in the world to use a H Bomb in war is the USA against Japan. However I need a little more assurance that we have a Net of weapons and radar that can protect us and our allies. It is time for LEADERSHIP in Washington that can resolve some of these long lingering problems, and yes maybe we need China, Russia and the USA to just let NK know, dude your all alone, you do as little as test a bomb or launch a rocket than Russia, USA, China, Japan and SK will attack you. Now give up your weapons and get with the program. Heck Vietnam got more on the ball than you dingbats.